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对准你的目标预算。Align budgeting with your goals.

你能把这张桌子同那些桌子排成一行吗?Could you align this table with those?

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如何中心对齐的文本在文本区?How to center align text in JTextArea?

而且它不能让IT与业务保持齐头并进。And it does not align IT and the business.

他们必须与工人们结合。They must align themselve with the workers.

对准着陆地点的水平推进器。Horizontal thrusters to align with the landing site.

脉冲车轮钥匙,很容易相互协调。The pulse wheels are keyless and very easy to align.

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阿扬格瑜伽,一种用辅助工具帮助调节身体的瑜伽流派。Iyengar yoga, which uses props to help align your body

你能把这张桌子同那些桌子排成一行吗?How can I align these bricks with the rest of the wall?

投资须与东道国的发展优先重点保持一致Align Investments with Countries’ Development Priorities

将腰带底边与袴得上端边缘对齐。Align the bottom of the belt with the top of the hakama.

真正的和谐是由在我们达到纯粹的佛性时才有。True harmony is when we align to our pure Buddha-nature.

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它有一个平底面方形支脚,可帮助轴承座精确对中。A flat square foot helps to accurately align the housing.

用两个定位销将座罩和轴承座基础对准。The two dowel pins align the cap and base of the housing.

统一你的定整体位来定价很费成本。It does pay to align pricing with your overall positioning.

在这种情况下你要重排你的计划,以适应你的新目标。In this case you would align your plan to fit your new goals.

但是也会使得其他亲王暗地里反对他们。It also prompted other princes to align quietly against them.

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协调并网政策和设备采购计划。Align interconnection policies with utility procurement plans.

插入支撑板并对齐后轴托架侧梁。Insert support plate and align rear-axle carrier side section.

我们若没有爱,就是与冷酷而无情的世界为伍了。To deny love is to align ourselves with a cold, uncaring world.