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依照琐罗亚斯德教学者Dr。According to Zoroastrian scholar Dr.

大流士一世当政时,琐罗亚斯德教定为国教。Darius I, when in power, Zoroastrian as the state religion.

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他声称一些琐罗亚斯德教的思想影响着基督教。He claims that some Zoroastrian ideas influenced on Christian thinking.

它是代表琐罗亚斯德教的唯一神,阿胡玛兹达,“英明的主”的一个象征肖像吗?Is it a symbolic image of Ahura Mazda, the Zoroastrian name for the One God, the "Wise Lord?"

寺庙檀香在火灾中往往比较昂贵,购买比1拜火教商店。The sandalwood in the fire temple is often more expensive to buy than at a Zoroastrian store.

他面对着来自琐罗亚斯德教祭司越来越多的敌意,最后被处决为异端。He met with increasing hostility from the Zoroastrian priests and was finally executed for heresy.

这些法拉瓦哈图案的解释没有一个是建立在任何现存的琐罗亚斯德教手稿的基础上。None of these interpretations of the Faravahar design are found in any extant Zoroastrian scripture.

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它主要是崇拜密特拉神,源自波斯和印度的神密特拉和其他琐罗亚斯德的神。It was based on worship of the god Mithras and derives from the Persian and Indic god Mithra and other Zoroastrian deities.

很多传说和琐罗亚斯德教的传统都说他是在避难所祷告的时候被一位国王的外敌杀害的。Many legends, and Zoroastrian tradition, say that he was killed, while praying in the sanctuary, by a foreign enemy of the king.

波斯人连接犹太人与小龙到这种程度说,索罗亚斯德教徒文学声称神圣经其实是一个龙!The Persians connected the Jews with dragons to such a degree that Zoroastrian literature claims that the God of the bible is actually a dragon!

尽管,正如我们所见,即使在波斯也有很多各种不同类型的法拉瓦哈,琐罗亚斯德的法拉瓦哈是“标准化”的波斯模型。The Zoroastrian faravahar was "standardized" to the Persepolis model, though, as we have seen, even in Persepolis there are many variants of the Faravahar.

在二十世纪初,法拉瓦哈开始与琐罗亚斯特庙宇的设计,出版物和装饰物成为一体。It was in these early decades of the 20th century that the Faravahar began to be incorporated into the design of Zoroastrian temples, publications, and ornaments.

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但是,琐罗亚斯德教的祭司和长者现在使用法拉瓦哈作为一种视觉工具去阐明宗教的基本要素,尤其是当他们在教导小孩的时候。But Zoroastrian priests and elders now use the Faravahar as a visual tool to illustrate the basic elements of the religion, especially when they are teaching children.

虞弘是来自西域或中亚的祆教徒,虽然汉化较深,但终生未改其宗,墓中石椁图像应是他所信仰的宗教文化特征的反映。Although Yu-hong, a Zoroastrian from the Western region or the Central Asia, became a Chinese deeply in culture, he had not changed his religious belief in all his life.

其他琐罗亚斯德教,包括更加传统的派别,说琐罗亚斯德事实上是位祭司,在头一个千禧年——古老的琐罗亚斯德传统祭司奉行仪式主义。Other Zoroastrians, including more traditionally minded ones, say that Zarathushtra was indeed a priest and the first of the millennia-old tradition of Zoroastrian ritualizing priesthood.

他指出,信仰拜火教的粟特人在中国唐代确有存在,拜火教祭司在举行祭祀仪式时会在脸上蒙布,以免自己的呼吸或唾液玷污圣火。He points to the fact that Zoroastrian Sogdians had a visible presence in Tang China and that Zoroastrian priests wore a face cover during rituals to avoid polluting the fire with breath or saliva.