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猛龙队史最伟大的球员。Greatest Raptor of all time.

自由是最好的礼物。Freedom is the greatest gift.

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无我是最无限的欢乐。Non-being is the greatest joy.

这将是他迄今最大的变革。This would be his greatest yet.

般若,是人生最真实的宝藏。Prajna is our greatest treasure.

它是极有用的。It is of the greatest usefulness.

婚姻是最伟大的杠杆原理。Marriage is the greatest leveler.

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草率是他最大的缺点。Sloppiness is his greatest fault.

恐惧是人的头号强敌。Fear is a person’s greatest enemy.

一个老天爷给我们的最伟大的礼物。One of God's greatest gifts to us.

翀他是我一生中最心爱的人。He is the greatest love of my life.

它是我最棒的学生。Nanook? He was my greatest student.

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你最奢侈的东西是什么?What is your greatest extravagance?

相机抖动是拍摄的大敌。Camera shake is your greatest enemy.

这是我生平所受到的最大惊吓。It is the greatest shock I ever had.

它引起了我极大的兴趣。Liyuan aroused my greatest interest.

这或许是我们最大的盲点。This may be our greatest blind spot.

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懒散是最大的挥霍。Idleness is the greatest Prodigality.

懒惰是最大的消费。Idleness is the greatest prodigality.

最伟大或最棘手的故事?The greatest story, or the trickiest?