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这是我的暑假作业。It is my homework.

我会对作业进行总结。Homework will be posed.

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搜检做业的时分到了。Time to check homework.

他也许在做作业。He may be doing homework.

继续做你的课外作业。Get on with your homework.

作业很多。you have a lot of homework.

爸,我得去做我的功课。DadI have to do my homework.

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你们每天都做家庭作业吗?Do you do homework every day?

我已经提到了家庭作业。I already mentioned homework.

是否有写作业的计划表?Is there a homework schedule?

放学后,我做家庭作业。After school,I do my homework.

他完成了家庭作业吗?Hass he finished his homework?

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他把作业忘家里了。He lefts his homework at home.

他们没有许多家庭作业。They don't have much homework.

他们有多少家庭作业?How much homework do they have?

我喜欢单独做作业。I like to do my homework alone.

我通常让她看我的家庭作业。I usually show her my homework.

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他常在白天做作业。He often do his homework by day.

迟交将不予计分。No late homework will be graded.

请帮助我做我的家庭作业。Please help me with my homework.