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我的个人用品。My personal properties.

所有这些都是“气”的特性。All these are properties of Qi.

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是什么赋予了材料这样的属性What gives it those properties?

不,这是属性的总和。No, it's a bundle of properties.

PMMA具有较好的抗冲击特性。PMMA has good impact properties.

数据类型并不具有属性。DataTypes do not have properties.

物质就是属性的总和。Materials are bundles of properties.

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这些属性如何一起工作?How do these properties work together?

捲动到字型相关属性。Scroll to the font-related properties.

就是用它来解释。Invoke wave-like properties to explain.

轻质混合土强度特性的研究。Research on strength properties of BTS.

我们所说的物质属性究竟是何物呢?What do we mean by physical properties?

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醛类具有麻醉的作用。Aldehydes possess anesthetic properties.

然后配置维度属性。Then configure the dimension properties.

你得找出些似波的特质。You have to invoke wave-like properties.

用于生成命令和属性的宏。Macros for Build Commands and Properties.

可以分为两类。Now these properties come in two flavors.

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处理特定于组件的属性Dealing with component-specific properties

不要使用非默认索引属性。Do not use non-default indexed properties.

它的大部分属性都是预先配置的。Most of its properties are pre-configured.