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其他主要政府间机构面临着其各自的局限性。Other key intergovernmental organisations face theirown limits.

财政联邦主义一直是府际间关系变化最为主要的核心议题。Fiscal federalism has always been the focal point of intergovernmental relations.

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但愿我们间的关切,不再是国庆佳节来临的时刻。Hopefully we intergovernmental concerns, is no longer coming National Day holiday period.

本政府间会议以前的几次会议已为这些行动确定了一些优先事项。Previous sessions of this intergovernmental meeting have assigned some priorities to these actions.

府际治理是指不同层级政府间的治理网络。Intergovernmental governance refers to the governing network among difference levels of governments.

1997年在政府间森林小组使命完成之后,经社理事会建立了政府间森林论坛In 1997, after the IPF mandate concluded, the ECOSOC established an intergovernmental forum on forests

这兩者亦代表建构府际合作机制兩种不同方向的努力与尝试。And they represent different directions in the establishment of intergovernmental cooperation mechanism.

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她现在是50多个政府间组织和1000多个国际非政府间组织的成员。It is now a member of more than 50 intergovernmental and over 1, 000 international non-governmental outfits.

由于该公约属于各国政府联合签署,每一个会员国都必须上报一个物种为濒危物种。But because the convention is an intergovernmental treaty, a member state must propose a species for this status.

东盟领导需要选择,他们是否将让缅甸把东盟降级成为政府间论坛的笑柄。ASEAN leaders need to decide if they will let Burma demote ASEAN to the laughingstock of intergovernmental forums.

“防治荒漠化公约”的官员说,早在2007年由政府间气候变化专门委员会发出警告。The UNCCD official says a warning was issued as far back as 2007 by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

这个小组的名称是“生物多样性和生态服务跨政府间科学政策平台”,简称“IPBES”。The panel is called the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, or IPBES.

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粮农组织是一个政府间组织,有188个成员国和一个成员组织-欧洲共同体。An intergovernmental organization, FAO has 188 member countries plus one member organization, the European Community.

一个得到联合国支持的专门讨论全球气候变化问题的政府间小组指出,全球气温在整个20世纪的上升幅度约为1摄氏度。The U.N.-backed Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says temperatures rose by about 1 degree during the 20th century.

麻醉药品委员会是处理与毒品有关的所有事务的主要政府间决策机构。The UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs is the main intergovernmental policy-making body dealing with all drug-related matters.

本文首先检视财政联邦主义自新政以来在府际关系各个历史阶段的变异。This study examines how the role of fiscal federalism has changed during the various stages of intergovernmental relations.

仅仅在两年前,联合国政府间气候变化委员会预计了最坏情境是上升59厘米。Just two years ago, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicted a worst-case scenario rise of 59 centimetres.

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在全球范围内,很多的政府间组织都担负起了解决各种能源问题的任务。At the global level, a host of intergovernmental organisations is tasked with addressing various pieces of the energy puzzle.

日本国际交流中心仅在2007一年中就举行了277个政府间的多边安全会议。The Japan Centre for International Exchange counted 277 multilateral intergovernmental meetings about security in 2007 alone.

在国家利益的驱使下,政府和政府间国际组织对促进南北关系发展的作用是有限的。Driven by national interest, functions on North-south relations by governments and intergovernmental organizations are limited.