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兽医师是什么?What is veterinarian?

杰克决心长大后当一名兽医。Jack determined to be a veterinarian.

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这个商业部长是位兽医。The finance minister is a veterinarian.

请确认您有一个良好的养马兽医。Make sure that you have a good equine veterinarian.

“对不起,这里是宠物医院。”兽医说。"I'm sorry, here is the pet hospital. " Veterinarian said.

作一名兽医对你来说可能会是一种很有趣的职业。Perhaps a veterinarian would be an interesting job for you.

在一些特殊情况下,你也许需要向你的兽医求助。In extreme cases you may need the help of your veterinarian.

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他计划离开学校时学习成为一名兽医。He plans to study to be a veterinarian when he leaves school.

年轻的兽医罗娌期待著这一时刻的到来。This young veterinarian looks forward to the exciting moment.

接种疫苗和定期到正规的兽医检查。Get vaccinated and visit the veterinarian for regular check-ups.

叶卡捷琳娜Zimina在圣彼得堡长大,作为一名兽医的培训。Ekaterina Zimina grew up in St. Petersburg and trained as a veterinarian.

并且参观者可以扮作奶农、兽医或者做奶酪的人。And visitors can "dress-up" like a farmer, a veterinarian or a cheesemaker.

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把这条无法医治的病狗带到兽医那里去,请他把它杀死。Take the incurably sick dog to the veterinarian and ask him to put it away.

孩提时代的她十分喜欢小动物,她最初的愿望就是成为一名兽医。As a child Julia's love for animals prompted a dream of becoming a veterinarian.

牠在被哥伦布动物园的一名兽医所发射的麻醉枪击中后就逮。It was caught after a Columbus Zoo veterinarian hit it with a tranquilizer dart.

救济包里面记得包含貂儿的医疗记录和兽医的信息。Include your ferret's medical records and veterinarian information in the package.

小小的崩坏通常不需要兽医来为貂儿提供专业的诊疗。This is not normally an issue that needs professional treatment by a veterinarian.

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小组包括所有家庭成员,动物行为,以及一名兽医。The team consists of all family members, an animal behaviorist, and a veterinarian.

禽流感首先是一种动物病害,要求采取兽医应对行动。Avian influenza is first of all an animal disease that requires a veterinarian response.

如果连续使用后的痕迹被跳蚤Capstar观察,看到您的兽医。If a continuous flea infestation is observed after using Capstar, see your veterinarian.