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将业务流程跨业务单位集中。Centralize business processes across business units.

两者都是集中用户信息的有效方法。Both are effective ways to centralize user information.

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这位国王想把一切权力集中于自己的手里。The king is trying to centralize all power in his own hands.

在阶段一之中,公司计划并准备进行集中了。In phase one, the organization plans and prepares to centralize.

目前集中分布在皖南山区和大别山区。They centralize in mountainous region of South Anhui andDabieshan.

考虑模块化你的软件,以分离和集中重要模块。Consider modularizing your software to isolate and centralize important functions

这些网络被称作为“杂交”P2P网络,它们至少会集中用户列表。These are called "hybrid" P2P networks and they centralize at least the list of users.

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而且,出产一元化治理,能够实现最适合的供给链治理。And, produce centralize processing, can realize what suit most to supply catenary processing.

其次在软件方面,现在许多角色设计都集中在两足动物的步伐设计上。Second in terms of software, many role designs centralize in the two-leg beasts' pace design.

选用品种为高邮鸭,将产青壳蛋的个体集中群体饲养,繁殖后代。The species is the high oil duck, people centralize the individual and do group feeding to breed.

在选择洞口方向上,沼泽山雀的洞口方向较集中于西南方向,而大山雀的洞口方向较分散.。The Mash Tits' cavities entrance direction centralize in southwest and the Great Tits' are dispersed.

核心思路是把所有安全决策集中在网关,防止不希望出现的数据访问。The core concept is to centralize all security decisions in the gateway and prevent unwanted data access.

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达索V6是一个用来全面集中管理数据的平台,支持2D和3D信息。Dassault V6 platform provides a comprehensive platform to centralize data, including 2D and 3D information.

他还推荐集中编写事件处理器,只在必要的情况下将状态封装到客户化Widget中。He also recommends to centralize event-handling and only encapsulate state into custom-widgets when needed.

当公司的网路规划将资源集中后,端点对端点的区域网路变的更难维护。As corporate networks move to centralize their resources, end-to-end VLANs become more difficult to maintain.

然而,主要营收来源的集中也带来了门户网站之间激烈的竞争。However, the centralize of the main earning originates has also brought keen competition between the portal sites.

所有站点数据集中在一起,数据量会非常庞大,聚类效率会显著降低。It decreases clustering efficiency in evidence and results in hugeness dataset while centralize all the local data.

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这是一个新工具,或许是我迄今看到过用社交网络集中粉丝和建立支持的最好的工具。This is another tool, probably the best I’ve seen as far as social networking to centralize fans and build support.

在高校思想政治工作中,充分发挥思想品德课主渠道、主阵地作用,意义重大而深远。It is of great significance for ideology course to centralize its role in ideological work at tertiary institutions.

存储过程常常用来整合和集中那些原来在应用程序中实现的逻辑。Stored procedures are often used to consolidate and centralize logic that was originally implemented in applications.