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由于他们的军国主义教育,骑士可以发挥巨大的盔甲和使用重武器。Thanks to their militaristic education, knights can wield massive armor and use heavy weaponry.

这些事情不能被扭曲或变形,以适应流氓意识形态或军国主义倾向。These things must not be twisted or distorted to fit rogue ideologies or militaristic tendencies.

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大型军国主义军团于是形成,并暗地取得了政治派别和权力优势。Large militaristic legions were formed and gained the edge in covert political persuasion and power.

蓝龙不断增加的军事行动已经遭到了红龙的斥责。The blue dragonflight's increasingly militaristic methods have been condemned by the red dragonflight.

第三国际的敌人——军国主义者和民族主义者觉得他们自己受了自由主义的欺骗。The militaristic and nationalistic enemies of the Third International felt themselves cheated by liberalism.

我发现我自己即兴奋又气馁,当开幕式的表演里面没有出现军国主义元素的时候。I found myself exited and a little unnerved at times as the spectacle displayed not so subtle militaristic elements.

他认为,较之封建社会的黩武精神,工业主义的历程本质上是和平的。He defined the process of industrialism as essentially pacific in contrast to the militaristic spirit of feudal society.

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他们的军事实力落后超级大国30年,他们的生活水平很低。Their Militaristic power is about 30 years behind the major powers and they also have very low standards for human-kind.

这种仇恨燃烧了数百年,将吉斯洋基人扭曲成如今这样邪恶的武力至上的生物。This animosity has burned through the centuries, warping the githyanki into the evil, militaristic creatures they are today.

“需要了解到是,各方都必须付出努力,避免以色列在该地区采取军事行动,”他说。"It should be understood that all efforts should be made towards Israel avoiding a militaristic action in the region," he said.

暴蛮很自恃于拥有所有兽人氏族中最大票的头目和暴风小子队伍,因为他们是所有兽人中最军事化的一支。The Goffs can boast the greatest numbers of Nobz and Stormboyz. This is because the Goffs are the most militaristic of all the Orks.

中国和韩国说日本首相安倍最近参拜靖国神社是在美化日本的军国主义过去。China and South Korea say the shrine, which Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited recently, glorifies Japan's militaristic past.

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靖国神社供奉了二战时期死去的250万日本军人。这些在日本国内外都引发了强烈的反抗。The shrine honors Japan's 2.5 million war dead and is vilified by critics at home and abroad as symbolizing Japan's militaristic past.

王毅指出,日本遗弃在华的化学武器是日本军国主义侵华罪行的铁证,当年曾残害过许多中国人民的宝贵生命。Wang said the chemical weapons abandoned by Japanese troops in China are irrefutable evidence of Japanese militaristic aggression against China.

彼得大帝,沙皇俄国1682年至1725年的统治者,上任后,他着手推动这个中世纪神权国家的现代化进程,最终形成了一个依赖奴隶劳动的军国主义集权国家。Peter the Great, tsar from 1682 to 1725, set out to modernise a medieval theocracy, and produced a militaristic police state based on slave labour.

日本不甘心只做经济大国,还想做政治大国,又想穷兵黩武,重蹈历史的覆辙。Japan wants to be more than just an economic power , and to be a Politics power . And it is a militaristic empire, wants to return to its old habit.

事实上,一支球队的打法往往反映出他们民族的个性,意大利人喜欢创造,德国人比较具有军国主义,希腊人有点虚浮。In fact, a team's style of play often seems to relate to a nation's character. The Italians are creative. The Germans militaristic. The Greeks a little gassy.

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演员对人猿的表演显然比那些人类的表演更具说服力,蒂姆·罗斯很好地扮演了那位好战的塞德将军,海伦娜的艾丽也演得不错。The actors playing apes actually seem more convincing than those playing humans. Tim Roth is good as the militaristic Thade, as is Helena Bonham-Carter as Ari.

朝鲜已经公开宣布自己实行不首先使用政策,但是安倍却想用自己疯狂的军国主义自负来推翻这种局面!North Korea has already stated publicly that it has a no-first -use policy but here is Abe trying to overturn the cart with his maniacal militaristic pretensions!

他们融合了现代工业元素和中世纪乐器,音乐中既有圣歌也有恶魔的声音,还有军事味道的管弦乐采样。They combine modern industrial elements with medieval instruments. In their music, chants and demonic voices lay over orchestral samplings with a militaristic flair.