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起初他没有脉搏,血压无法量出。He was initially pulseless with no obtainable blood pressure.

卖弄风情的女子被发出黑色、板栗、沙子和感觉。The Coquette is obtainable in Black, Chestnut, Sand and Felt.

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把目标放在定向的、可获得的2-3个字的短语上Consider targeting 2-3 word phrases that are more targeted and obtainable

用可以衡量和可行的形容词定义一下你心目中的完美自我。Define your perfect self in adjectives that are measurable and obtainable.

申请专业进修学术资格的表格可在学院办事处索取。Application forms for claiming PCE awards are obtainable from the SPEED Office.

凭票入场,票价每张两元,可到大礼堂售票处购买。Admission by tickets, 2 yuan each, obtainable at the booking-office of the auditorium.

然而,基底10有很多优点是其他基底在一般计算不能获得的。However, base 10 has many advantages not obtainable in ordinary calculations with other bases.

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能否恳请您帮助询问一下,合家欢牌电动搅拌器是否还能从厂家买到。Would you please inquire if the happy family mixer is still obtainable from the manufacturers.

随着土地价值下降,从新制定的土地出让中可得的土地出让金也将减少。As land value goes down, land leasing fees obtainable from newly established land lease will decrease.

这是很容易做到的水果容易获得和所有要求另外是一个榨汁机。It is quite easy to do as fruits are readily obtainable and all that is required additionally is a juicer.

第一种传统的玉米品种在六到七年的研究发展之后可以实现。First conventional maize varieties could be obtainable after six to seven years of research and development.

用粉末冶金法可取得用别的方法得不到的成分和性能。Themethods of powder metallurgy make it possible to securecompositions and properties not otherwise obtainable.

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价差合约交易经常利用的杠杆效应,即少量的保证金可导致重大的损失或收益。The leverage often obtainable in trading CFDs means that a small margin can lead to large losses as well as gains.

直接淬火后的刚所能获得的最大硬度在很大程度上时由含碳量决定的。The maximum degree of hardness obtainable in steel by direct hardening is determined largely by the carbon content.

但是他说土耳其现任执政党AKP相信在一个稳定的经济和政府下,这些目标是可以实现的。But, he says Turkey's ruling AKP believes with the country's strong economy and government such goals are obtainable.

现附上一张表格,记录了通过使用我公司节能器所节省的费用,供您参考。Attached is the tabulation for the amount of savings obtainable by using our product, Energy Saver for your reference.

通过往橡皮状种子胶乳中分批加入“玻璃状”单体,则不能得到所要求的多相结构。Thedesired heterogeneous structure cannot be obtainable by batch addition ofthe glassymonomer to the rubbery seed latex.

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幸运的是,还有好几种可行穿着的白色礼服的模式,而且这些模式还能被各种各样的方式装饰。Luckily there are several patterns obtainable that feature a white base, and yet which are embellished in a lot of means.

中分批加入“玻璃状”单体,则不能得到所要求的多相结构。The desired heterogeneous structure cannot be obtainable by batch addition of the glassy monomer to the rubbery seed lattx.

许多国家的政策是鼓励消费本国的酒,因此苏格兰威士忌要以相当高的价格才能买到。The policy in many countries is to encourage consumption of the local spirits, so Scottish whisky is only obtainable at a price.