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资源能力的高估。Over-estimation of resource competence.

我们可以保证他能胜任编辑工作。We can certify for him competence as an editor.

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这位年轻的外科医生具有不寻常的才干。The young surgeon showed exceptional competence.

士气不以虚张的勇气为基础,而是以真正的能力为基础。Morale is not based on bravado but on real competence.

是否有可能同时具备协作和胜任文化?Is it even possible to have collaboration and competence?

根据需要具备基于产品软件的二次开发能力。Have competence to upgrade production software if necessary.

写作能力是语文能力的最高形式的检测。The ability to write is a supreme test of linguistic competence.

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写作能力是对语言能力的最高形式的测试。The ability to write is a supreme test of linguistic competence.

除了哭一场,薇薇安还能怎么样呢?In addition to wailing is a , Wei Wei Anne returns competence how?

祖母非常赞赏我的能力,她鼓励我继续学下去。Grandma was impressed with my competence and pleased me to proceed.

第二部分,企业人力资本是核心能力的真实源泉。Part2, Company Human Capital Is the Real Source of Core Competence.

详细介绍了新成立的纽马格地毯中心。The new carpet competence Center at Neumag is introduced in detail.

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采购竞争对手的分析以保持公司的采购竞争力。Competitor sourcing analysis to keep company's competence in sourcing.

黄裳想要躲闪,已是力不从心。Huang Chang wants to dodge being looked, meager the competence to act.

英语搭配是衡量英语学习者英语水平的一个重要方面。Collocation is important for the achievement of native-like competence.

文学能力在结构主义诗学中的地位如何?。How about the position of literary competence in Structuralist Poetics?

培养大学生跨文化交际能力。Equipping college students with cross-cultural communicative competence.

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可以以培养跨文化交际能力为目标来开设一系列大学英语公选课。A series of selective courses can be offered to cultivate such competence.

路修宏极的能力震摄了二人。The road nailed the competence earthquake of great pole to shoot 2 people.

这点看起来和工作无关,但实际上是有关系的。While this competence not appear to be a job-related emanate, it could be.