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女孩们越来越贪得无厌。Girls demanding more.

是你的老板要求太高?Is your boss too demanding?

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对人对事少一点苛求吧。And a little less demanding.

它不像铲雪那样剧烈。It's not as demanding as shoveling snow.

中国的复员军人正在要求更多的权利…Demobs of china are demanding more rights.

被剥夺者在要求归还他们的权利。The dispossessed are demanding their rights.

不过我很明白识体,不至于会纵骄,也不会苛求。I know better than to be proud and demanding.

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你全身的神经反应都在要求你准备大开杀戒。Your reflexes are all demanding that you bite.

随着赌注的升高,赌徒们也在想方设法求胜。As stakes rise, gamblers are demanding an edge.

但不适合攀冰和某些特定地形。Not designed for climbing or demanding terrain.

如果他们开始要求,那么我们将会陷入困境。If they start demanding then we're in trouble.

根秀拿仁顺的过去要挟善英。RenShun past take root show good English demanding.

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因此,首先我们要为我们的孩子提供最艰深。So first we owe to our children the most demanding.

在这里我们要逆时针驾驶,这对我们要求非常高。We drive anti-clockwise here, which is very demanding.

要求国会更加有作为并没有什么错。There is nothing wrong with demanding more of Congress.

但投资人一如往昔希望看到更高的确定性.But investors, as ever, are demanding greater certainty.

他同意这是盗窃,而且比乔苛刻。He agrees that it's theft. He's more demanding than Joe.

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它要求苛刻且费用不菲,但是能带来成效。It is demanding and it is not cheap, but it brings results.

公司早期的员工虽然只是朝九晚五,但向他索要六位数的工资。Early employees are demanding six-figure pay for 9 to 5 hours.

所以现在,国会议员们纷纷要求他们把奖金给退回来。So now, lawmakers are demanding that they give the money back.