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这并不意味着富裕,而是透明度。It does not mean opulence but rather transparency.

华舍地理位置优越,物产丰富。Huashe enjoys excellent geographical location and is a land of opulence.

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橡胶大佬们的暴富只有在同他们的残忍相比才显得相形见绌。The opulence of the rubber barons could only be exceeded by their brutality.

拥有美元、英镑、瑞士法郎,或捷克克朗的外国人生活优裕。Foreigners with dollars, pounds, Swiss francs, or Czech crowns lived in opulence.

这种对丰裕、财富和权力的颂扬破坏了自由女神像的特质。This celebration of opulence and wealth and power undercuts the character of the Statue of Liberty.

饥饿和失去土地的苦痛,使他们更难容忍地主老财的骄奢淫逸。The lack of land and hunger made the neighboring landlords' opulence and luxury especially intolerable.

阿诸那祈请主把法相描述得更详尽些,主就把最卓越的部分描述了一番。Arjuna prays to the Lord to describe more of the opulence and the Lord describes those which are most prominent.

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西贡丽景大饭店为旅客提供结合自然秀丽与享受的环境带给您豪华与宁静的感觉。Legend Hotel, Saigon combines natural beauty and sheer opulence to provide the best for the discerning traveler.

颜色是白色,粉红色和镜像玻璃,金属,轻木天花板和玻璃纤维为低估富裕金牌。The colors are white, pink and mirrored gold in glass, metal, light wood ceilings and fiberglass for an understated opulence.

橄榄绿、自然棕和古董金相互影响体现一种怀旧的奢华。A palette of olive greens, natural browns and antique golds interplay to combine functional quality with versatility and faded opulence.

第十章揭示了主奎师那作为万源之源的尊贵地位以及“他”的特殊展现形态和壮丽辉煌的法相存在。Chapter Ten reveals Lord Krishna's exalted position as the cause of all causes. Also specifying His special manifestations and opulence.

临时建筑类直接受到不景气的影响,少一点夸张浪费的情境营造,多一点朴实温暖的真实,聊以堪慰。Interim Architecture got a direct hit from the recession, now with less opulence or mood setters, and more unpretentious cozy practicality.

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想想这个社会对我们的影响,无论在公共场合还是私下,无时不刻不让我们联想到金钱。Think what our society, with its constant reminders of opulence in both public and private, are doing to us.It's a wonder we can enjoy anything.

来到这里,你可以在冬宫的宏伟中享受琼浆,搭船漂过宏伟的运河,一睹沙皇金碧辉煌的财富。You came here to drink in the grandeur of the Winter Palace, to float down the majestic canals, to be transported to its gilded czarist opulence.

来到这里,你可以在冬宫的宏伟中享受美酒,乘船漂过雄伟的运河,一睹沙皇金碧辉煌的财富。You came here to drink in the grandeur of the Winter Palace, to float down the majestic canals, to be transported to its gilded czarist opulence.

为了满足普通游客的猎奇心理,在出租给企业用户的集会区还展出了一些名副其实的奢侈品。Some of the real opulence in the pavilions is out of ordinary expo goers' sight in entertainment and meeting areas rented out to corporate customers.

从她的饰以珠子珠宝的富裕妆饰上,谁可曾想到,每年的那个时候,她都在等待着,来给那些不幸的人传布慷慨的节日慰问?Who would guess from her beaded and bejeweled opulence that she waits each year at this time to spread lavish holiday cheer among those less fortunate?

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丝绸之路是一个复杂的多元文化视野在地中海香料贸易市场遇到的商人路线毛绒与亲密富裕。Silk Road is an elaborate multi-cultural vision where Mediterranean Spice & Trade Market encounters the plush & intimate opulence of the Merchant Route.

西西里的锡拉丘兹城也是科林斯人建立的。在古代,这些人以富足和放纵的生活习惯而闻名。The inhabitants of Corinth, who also founded the city of Syracuse in Sicily , were famous in ancient times for their opulence and for their loose habits.

哦,无论是谁,即使象老虎一样凶残,只要在这个爱卡达西遵守戒食都能成为伟大的人并且获得丰厚的财富,谷物,力量以及健康。Oh tiger among men, whoever fasts on this Ekadasi truly becomes a great person and achieves all manner of opulence and wealth, grains, strength, and health.