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世界真小。Small world.

小的那艘。The small one.

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大杯还是小杯?Large or small?

眇乎小哉!How small it is!

一个小嫩枝。And a small twig.

施小恩惠。Do small favours.

慢慢地,一步一步来。Take small steps.

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这只猫头鹰真小。This owl is small.

穿过一条小马路。Cross a small road.

什么也别说,废话少说。Cut the small talk.

那是一场小仗。It was a small war.

这世界真小。It’s a small world.

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落叶小乔木。Leaves small trees.

不,那只小的。No, that small one.

世界真小啊!What a small world!

世界实是小!It is a small world!

站成一个小圈。Make a small circle.

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小手袋,呸呸呸。Small handbags, bah.

猫长着小耳朵。A cat has small ears.

大个子,一小步。Big man, small steps.