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剩饭开始发臭了。The leftover food began to smell bad.

加热一个未用完的薄片低脂比萨。Warm up a leftover slice of low-fat pizza.

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重新加热剩余的禽肉直到冒热蒸汽。Reheat leftover poultry until steaming hot.

不知道那家糕饼店会不会让我们把卖剩的带回家。Wonder if that bakery let us take leftover home.

把你没有用完的油漆捐献给社区项目。Donate your leftover paint to a community project.

我常常剩下很多未用完的配料,所以我就做多一些额外的。I often have leftover mix, so I cook the extra mix.

我们作出熏肉和吃剩的蛋抱和面料。We made bacon and eggs out of leftover felt and fabrics.

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厨师要用吃剩的猪腿骨做汤。The cook will utilize the leftover ham bone to make soup.

你可以用剩下的火鸡肉做砂锅菜和三明治。You can use leftover turkey in casseroles and sandwiches.

至于剩余的水,卡雷拉也计画将它去盐出售。Calera plans to desalinate the leftover water and sell it.

我一向喜欢拿剩余的东西来创作,做剩余物的作品。I always like to work on leftovers, doing the leftover things.

那就是,你想从生活以外得到的,就是野餐的剩余物。That is, if what you want out of life is leftover picnic lunches.

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现代人类是否具有从其他的已经灭亡的旁系种群得来的基因特质?Does our species possess any genes leftover from our extinct cousins?

小行星与彗星,包含KBO,则都是残留的碎片。The asteroids and comets, including the KBOs, are the leftover debris.

只有些剩下的饭菜,我们又很饿,只好将就一下了。There was just some leftover and we were hungry, so we made do with it.

紧接着她又递给我剩下的硬币说可不可以给小猩猩买些香蕉吃。And, she added, with the leftover pennies, could I buy him some bananas?

它有一个更好地座位数比客人吃剩的主张没有人情。It's better to have a few leftover favors than to seat guests without favors.

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好吧。那你想吃通心面吗?我还有写昨天吃剩的。All right, then. Would you like some pasta? I have some leftover from last nigt.

残菜剩饭用来喂猪,蔬菜的根茎用来肥田。Leftover food is given to pigs and vegetable matter is put back onto the fields.

我们不吃或是没有保存起来的就和剩面包一起喂兔子。What we didn't eat or preserve was fed to the rabbits along with leftover bread.