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那时我是单身。I was single.

比尔依旧是单身。Bill's still single.

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但是另一个还是单身的。The other was single.

单肩带。Single shoulder strap.

然后是一声枪响。Then a single gunshot.

你成婚了还是单身?。Are you -ied or single?

我单身,但是气定神闲。I am glad to be single.

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单束技术。Single beam techniques.

不,我一个也没有。I haven't. Not a single.

这是单程票吗?Is this a single ticket?

单交体带。Single cross body strap.

单身女人真的不喜欢这样子!And single women HATE IT!

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销售方式按单件卖。Sales to the single sell.

选择单个生命线。Select a single lifeline.

没有一个贼踅回来。Not a single thief inside.

劳驾,一张去伦敦的单程票。A single to London, please.

我一块钱也没有。I have not a single doller.

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我用一头颅兮而无万夫。I only use one single head.

一个阿米巴原虫。You've got a single amoeba.

那是个单一民族的国家。It's a single -nation state.