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我爱火影忍者,尤其是漩涡鸣人。I love naruto. Especially vortex naruto.

他被卷入政治的漩涡中。He was drawn into the vortex of politics.

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雪花侠被旋风卷走,不能有斗篷!Splashdown, sucked into a vortex. No capes!

它是太阳系中已知的旋涡中最大的一个。It's the largest known vortex in the solar system.

夕张市是一个写照,整个日本正陷入人口问题的漩涡。Like Yubari, Japan is heading into a demographic vortex.

我们对小涡旋雷诺数的流动进行了求解。We solve the case of small vortex Reynolds number flows.

旋涡二次流中稀疏颗粒的运动特性研究。Research on Dilute Parti-cles Motion in Secondary Vortex Flow.

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频率太低,涡漩电流减小,同样导致搅拌力下降。The lower frequency is associated with decrease of vortex current.

涡流纺纱机适合纺纯棉纱。Vortex spinning process is suitable for spinning pure cotton yarn.

飓风眼处于直径为2000千米的漩涡中心。The eye of the hurricane is at the centre of a 2000 km-wide vortex.

80年代以来,涡街流量计发展异常迅速,现已广泛应用于工业生产的各个领域。Vortex Street Flowmeter has been developed quickly since 70 s, 80 s.

据说那里是天险迦南大漩涡的所在。People say that the area called 'Great vortex of Canaan' exists there.

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同样的螺旋气流也帮助了蝙蝠、蜂鸟和昆虫这样的生物振翅高飞。The same type of vortex also helps bats, hummingbirds and insects soar.

第二部分对叶顶间隙泄漏流动和叶尖涡进行了研究分析。The second part studies and analyzes the tip leakage flow and tip vortex.

涡街流量计是最为常用的流量测量装置之一。Vortex flowmeter is one of the most widely used flow measurement devices.

无论是在经济崩溃之前还是之后,希腊都是一个弱小的国家。Greece is a puny power and was so even before it descended into the vortex.

当低涡远离高原后,非绝热加热减弱。The diabatic heating decreased when the vortex moving away from the plateau.

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可为旋流燃烧器的设计和技术改造提供参考。It provides reference for design and technical modification of vortex burner.

涡量场特性可以用涡线非常形象地表达出来。The characteristics of vortex field can be described visually by vortex line.

讨论了前缘分离涡为主体的旋涡流场。The vortical flow dominated by leading edge separated vortex is investigated.