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卡纳一如既往的华美,丹丹具有他是多么幸运。Canna is as gorgeous as ever and Daniela is lucky to have him.

李娜当天的训练伙伴是另一名捷克选手汉图楚娃。Li Na's training partner on the day, another Czech, Daniela Hantuchova.

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丹妮叶拉目前之所以成为话题名模,主要是由于她感人的故事。Daniela is currently one of the most talked about models because of her amazing story.

有了莎莎和汉汉一切就好办多了,真是天大的好消息!Once again we have a tremendous field. Having Maria and Daniela in Madrid is great news.

两位作者——洛杉矶已为人母的达妮埃拉·德雷克和伊丽莎白·福特——说,她们“虽为爱而结婚,但也要收获婚姻的成果。”Both authors -- Los Angeles mothers Daniela Drake and Elizabeth Ford -- say they "married for love, but reaped the consequences."

2005年,丹妮叶拉.柯特刚满13岁,她走遍阿根廷有钱人住的高级社区鹅卵石铺的街道到处翻捡垃圾。In 2005, when she had just turned 13, Daniela Cott went to work scavenging trash on the cobbled streets of a prosperous neighborhood in Argentina.

第三个点球来自伊莲的手球,但是被门柱拒绝。但是玛尔塔一个漂亮的垫球过了丹尼尔娜埃尔维斯射入第五粒球。A third penalty was given for handball but Elaine was denied by the woodwork. But the fifth goal arrived as Marta set up Daniela Alves in the area.

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30日,在2009年澳网公开赛女双决赛中,美国威廉姆斯姐妹以6-3、6-3战胜日本老将杉山爱和斯洛伐克的汉图楚娃,夺得冠军。Serena and Venus Williams won the 2009 Australian Open doubles title Friday, beating Japan's Ai Sugiyama and Daniela Hantuchova of Slovakia 6-3, 6-3.

他的妻子丹妮拉•科克斯因难产而死——她在剩下艾利乌之后,又生了一个女儿,而那个女孩也出生后两个礼拜后死于猩红热。His wife, Daniela Cocks died after a miscarriage to the second child, which was a baby girl but she also died of scarlet fever two weeks after she was born.

这是李娜网球生涯中第一次在WTA一级赛事印第安韦尔斯网球赛中闯入半决赛。在半决赛中她将迎战斯洛伐克的丹尼拉和以色列的沙哈之间的获胜者。Li moves to the Indian Wells semi-finals for the first time in her career where she willface the winner of a match between Slovakia's Daniela Hantuchova and Shahar Peer of Israel.