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我可以去申请信用证。I can also arrange an LOC.

这么说来,我以为你是不订交。I take it you don't arrange.

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我会安排这次会议。I will arrange this meeting.

你怎样排列控制盘呢?How do you arrange the dials?

杰克开始布置任务。Jack begins to arrange tasks.

我该怎么安排这个自然段?How can I arrange the paragraph?

怎么样布置缆绳?How to arrange the mooring line?

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请问我们应该安排多少张台呢?。How many tables shall we arrange?

但凭母后安排。But with arrange after the mother.

你是否安排人员看货了?Did you arrange watchmen to guard?

好的,我们会安排接机和送机。OK, we'll arrange the car for you.

巴西尼想安排个会议。Barzini wants to arrange a meeting.

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我可以自由安排学习时间。I can arrange my study time freely.

我们要和他们商议那件事。We'll arrange with them about that.

没问题,我来安排会议。No problem. I'll arrange the meeting.

能给我按排一个单人间吗?Can you arrange a single room for me ?

麻烦你帮我租一架车。Could you arrange a car rental for me?

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我们会提前安排。We'll arrange something ahead of time.

我知道我能在事务所做好安排。Iknow I could arrange it at the office.

美国可能减少对第三梯队的国家的援助。To arrange or take place in an echelon.