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他看上去怅然若失。He has a wistful look.

褐色也象征着悲伤与渴望。Brown can also be sad and wistful.

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他的惆怅的声音如丝绒般温柔。His voice is wistful , as soft as velvet.

该女士实在无话可说,只好苦笑。No answer from Mrs. ----, just a wistful half-smile.

在这本情意绵绵的哀歌式小说的末尾,他结束了一生。He died at the end of this wistful and elegiac novel.

她充满渴望的容颜,如夜雨一般,萦绕于我的梦境。Her wistful face haunt my dreams like the rain at night.

她渴望的脸庞犹如夜雨般令我魂牵梦绕!Her wistful face haunts my reams like the rain at night.

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她那忧愁的面容,像夜雨,萦绕在我的梦中。Her wistful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night.

她有点怅惘和哀伤,甚至有点痛苦。She was a little wistful or sad, and even a little bitter.

怅惘地回忆她已经逝去的青春。The poor mother has wistful reminiscences of her lost youth.

伴随着纸质发票的消失,也有一些人觉得依依不舍。As paper receipts disintegrate, some people are a bit wistful.

但是谁是这个智慧,光滑肌肤,卷发少年?But who is the wistful , peach-skinned, flaxen-haired teenager?

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过去,我总是更喜欢一个十分沉思的自我形象。I've always preferred a rather wistful , pensive image of myself.

一个孩子以怅然若失的目光望著橱窗中的玩具。A child stood looking with wistful eyes at the toys in the window.

旁白,就他和别人而言,只是故事的一面。These wistful asides are only part of the story, for him and others.

安斯沃思太太转向我,虽然微笑着,可眼中流露出思念之情。Mrs. Ainsworth turned to me and though she was smiling her eyes were wistful.

他渴求的目光盯着那家小店,使得这个庙会如此令人同情。His wistful eyes gazing at the shop made this this whole meeting of men so pitiful.

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在7号的月蚀之后你可能会留恋和感伤,但是请安住于当下的转变。You may feel wistful or sentimental after the first eclipse, July 7, but stay tuned.

在“圣城”的掩护下,在马尔维娜渴望的眼神注视下,他溜了出来。He slipped out under the cover of " The Holy City", followed by Malvina's wistful eye.

他们并不满足于热切的恳求更多的民族或者公民权利。They have not contented themselves with wistful pleas formore democracy or civil rights.