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他很好色。He is very lustful.

你认为人都是好色的吗?。Do you consider all people to be lustful.

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只一瞥,就足以杀死那个好色的家伙。Just a glance is quite enough to kill the lustful guy.

她却卸下她的小锤子,继续用欲望的眼神看着马库斯。Keeping the same lustful look, she unhooking her small mace.

男人没一个好人,个个贪财又好色,男人是罪恶的根源。No man is good, all greedy and lustful. They are the source of evil.

如果男人由于淫念产生思想斗争,那也是男人的问题,与我无关。If a man struggles with lustful thoughts, that's his problem, not mine.

历史永远都将人马评价为酒醉、暴力的好色怪物,完全没有荣誉感可言。History has forever judged them as drunken, violent, lustful monsters without honor.

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最后,欲望关系的一大特征是短命。One final characteristic of a lustful relationship is that it is typically short lived.

一些女人两种性激素含量都很高,而雄性激素让人变得好色。Some women have high levels of both sex hormones, and testosterone makes people lustful.

该剧描写的是一位离开太太寻求性刺激而纵欲无度的儒生。The story focuses on a lustful young scholar who leaves his wife in search of sexual fulfillment.

浴室不仅仅是净身的地方,而且是一个接吻或翻云覆雨的地方。The shower can be not only a place to become clean but a place to start kissing or to have passionate, lustful sex.

分别剖析一下满含爱意的关系及欲望为先的关系将帮助我们学会把爱从欲望中区分出来。Analyzing a loving relationship and a lustful relationship separately will help us to learn to distinguish love from lust.

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并提出两个新的算法——贪心算法和修改最小生成树法。At the same time, two new algorithms which are lustful algorithm and the method of modifying the minimal spanning tree are presented.

与此同时,因为男人是情欲旺盛的性主体,所以看到男性裸体肖像容易引发同性恋的意念。Meanwhile, because men have been trained to be a lustful sexual subject, seeing male nudity tended to raise the specter of homosexuality.

当其站在电梯里等待,法兰西国王路易十五不会想到他的骄奢淫欲促进了这些发明。The mind rarely wanders to King Louis XV ofFrancewhen standing in awkward silence in a lift, yet his lustful urges inspired the innovation.

欲望关系中那种根本性的自私会自上而下地影响到两人参与的活动。The fundamental selfishness that exists in a lustful relationship trickles down and affects the activities in which the couple participates.

据英国广播公司8日报道,美国佐治亚州有一条"好色街",近日当地居民向法院请愿,请求法律干预为这条街道改个平常点的名字。Residents of Lustful street in the US state of Georgia petitioned to a local court for a less provocative street name, BBC reported Wednesday.

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欲望关系中是不可能容纳爱意的,自私这一基本特徵让爱在其中根本无立足之地。A lustful relationship can not also include love. The primary characteristic of selfishness does not enable love to factor into a lustful relationship.

相反,欲望为先的关系不一定会有负面的影响,可也未必能像充满爱意的关系那样会有积极影响。Conversely a lustful relationship may not necessary have a negative affect on a relationship but it also may not be as positive as a loving relationship.

在这种杂乱的处境中煎熬,更何况乔还需时刻监视他那混乱地姐妹,在留意早熟的小妹同时,渴望的注视着隔壁的女孩。Not to mention Joe's incessant need to keep tabs on his promiscuous sister, an eye on the precocious little ones and a lustful watch on the girl next-door.