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警察认明人质是迪特尔霍斯。Police identified the hostage as Dieter Hoss.

警察认明人质是迪特尔霍斯。Police identified the hostage as Dieter Hoss.

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警察认明人质是迪特尔霍斯。Police identified the hostage as dieter hoses.

罗斯冲向迪特尔抓住他的手腕。Rose rushed at dieter and made a grab at his wrist.

纽约——每位节食者都清楚要保持成功减去的体重是多么困难。NEW YORK – Any dieter knows that it's hard to keep off weight you've lost.

其中一小部分是显而易见,其他的甚至会让最有经验的节食者都惊讶不已。A few are no-brainers and other will surprise even the most seasoned dieter.

按每次节食体重减轻约2.8千克计算,节食女性每人每年体重约减轻6千克。If one can lose 2.8 kg after once diet, then each dieter would lose 6kg a year.

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断断续续节食已经很多年,但是他的体重从来没有降到230磅以下。He says that as an off-and-on dieter for years, he had never cracked 230 pounds.

其目的在于逐渐脱离肉食,而不仅仅是戒掉在晚上吃东西的习惯。The goal is to gradually wean the dieter off meat rather than demand an overnight change.

与此同时,汉诺威教练迪特尔-黑金敦促他的队员们要比过去踢得更有侵略性。Meanwhile hannover coach dieter heckling has urged his players to play more aggressively than in the past.

与此同时,汉诺威教练迪特尔-黑金敦促他的队员们要比过去踢得更有侵略性。Meanwhile, Hannover coach Dieter Hecking has urged his players to play more aggressively than in the past.

据称沃尔夫斯堡总经理迪特尔。霍内斯将在今天同马洛塔面对面讨论迭戈的转会问题。Wolfsburg director general Dieter Hoeness is allegedly holding face-to-face discussions with Marotta today over Diego.

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可是,就像节食者一时软弱竟把整盒饼乾吃个精光一样,我发现自己的决心也有动摇之时。But like a dieter who devours a whole box of cookies in a moment of weakness, I found my resolve slipping occasionally.

上赛季,泽科得到了俱乐部总经理迪埃特。霍内斯的承诺,那就是这名前锋可以在赛季结束后离开。Last season, Dzeko was promised by director Dieter Hoeness that he would be allowed to move at the end of the campaign.

这能让减肥者监测自己何时进入酮症或脂肪燃烧阶段,不过,对非糖尿病患来说这并不总是很精确。These let the dieter monitor when they enter the ketosis, or fatburning, phase, but are not always accurate for non-diabetic users.

对于这种市场浪费现象,似乎唯一理智的反应就是,像减肥者计算卡路里那样计算食物里程。In light of this market redundancy, the only reasonable reaction, it seems, is to count food miles the way a dieter counts calories.

雇主联邦联合会主席迪特尔·席洪特在一家报纸上指出,德国的失业人数目前正处在20年来的历史最低点上。The number of unemployed is at its lowest level in 20 years, Dieter Hundt, head of the employers' organisation, noted in a newspaper.

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然而沃尔夫斯堡总经理迪特尔。霍内斯的一席表态终结了围绕波黑射手的转会传闻。However, Wolfsburg's director general Dieter Hoeness has called an end to the speculation surrounding the Bosnia international striker.

戴姆勒公司总裁迪特尔•齐泽嘲讽说道,“德国是唯一一个推出一项价值几十亿欧元的项目去补贴国外产业的国家。”"We are the only country," Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche scoffed, "that has created a program worth billions to subsidize foreign industry.

迪特·容格就是最早使用这种技术,创造跨越时间与空间的新视觉和感官新体验的一位先驱者。Dieter Jung is such an avant-courier who uses such a technique, and creates the new visual and sense experience of spanning the time and space.