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生物防治是当前芒果、香蕉采后病害控制的重要研究方向。Biocontrol plays an important role in control of postharvest disease.

稻谷收获后处理技术包括贮藏、干操和加工。Postharvest technologies includes the storing, drying, and processing of rice.

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同时对果品采后处理存在的问题进行了说明。Problems of postharvest treatment which were still existed were discussed too.

采收以后立刻降温储存,可以延长收后的架上寿命。Postharvest shelf life of blueberry fruit is increased by rapidly cooling fruit after harvest.

因此,荔枝采后技术研究成为荔枝生产的关键问题。Therefore, postharvest research becomes a key problem in the development of litchi production.

增加水稻产量的另一措施是减少水稻收获后的损失。Postharvest handling. One of the effort to increase rice yield is to reduce postharvest losses.

与此配套的鲜切花采后处理和流通技术也取得长足的进展。Furthermore, we predicted development trend of both cut flower production and postharvest handling.

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本研究为果蔬采后病原真菌的快速鉴定提供了有益的参考。It provided a fast identification method for pathogenic fungi on postharvest fruits and vegetables.

研究不同套袋处理对枇杷果实外观、采后特性和品质的影响。Effects of bagging on loquat fruit appearance, postharvest characteristics and quality were studied.

以梨枣为试材,研究了采前套袋对梨枣果实贮藏效果的影响。In this paper, effects of preharvest bagging on postharvest storage property of Lizao jujube were studied.

说明丁香叶油对采后桃果实具有明显的防腐保鲜效果。The results showed that antisepsis preservation of clove leaf oil on the postharvest peach was very obvious.

武汉市蔬菜科学研究所栽培与采后研究室主任,高级农艺师。Director of Culture and Postharvest Research Division of Wuhan Vegetable Research Institute, senior agronomist.

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果蔬由于采后致腐性真菌引起的腐烂而导致的经济损失是巨大的。Considerable postharvest losses of fruit and vegetables are brought about by decay caused by fungal plant pathogens.

是从苹果果实表面分离筛选获得的一种广谱抗性的拮抗菌。Skinner, isolated from apple fruits, was an effective antagonist for control of postharvest diseases in many fruits.

图5冷激处理对香蕉常温下淀粉酶活性的影响□对照,■处理。Fig. 5 Effect of cold shock treatment on amylaseactivity of postharvest banana at room temperature□Control, ■Treatment.

其次,生产与交易成本、交易价格是影响柑橘商品化处理绩效的决定因素。However, product costs, transaction costs and price are crucial factors of citrus fruit postharvest handling increment.

阐述枇杷采后主要生理变化,并对采后贮藏保鲜技术处理作逐一介绍。The major postharvest physiological changes and the technology of preservation loquat fruit after harvest were introduced.

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结果表明,侵染梨枣的病原菌主要有根霉和交链孢。The results showed that the main pathogens caused postharvest decay of "Li" jujube were Rhizopus stoloniter and Alternaria spp.

芒果、香蕉采后主要病害为炭疽病、蒂腐病、冠腐病、黑腐病、黑星病。The major postharvest diseases of mango & banana include anthracnose, stem end rot, crown rot, black rot, banana black spot etc.

水果采后病害会导致巨大的经济损失,当前防治主要采用化学杀菌剂。Postharvest diseases of fruits cause major losses, these diseases are primarily controlled by application of synthetic fungicides.