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能说一口流利英语的人就会被认为是以英语为母语的人。A person who speaks English fluently is known as an Anglophone.

对于英语的未来的核心争论在本书的最后两章。The future of English is in the hands of countries outside the core Anglophone group.

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在讲英语的国家,她又被称为“古铜色维纳斯”“黑珍珠”,甚或“克里奥尔女神”。Nicknamed the “Bronze Venus”, the “Black Pearl”, and even the “Créole Goddess” in anglophone nations.

英语的未来并非掌握在以英语作为母语的国家手中而是在外围国家手中的,他们能一直学英语吗?The future of English is in the hands of countries outside the core Anglophone group. Will they always learn English?

英语成为了世界第二大语言也给说英语的国家的政府、商业及大学带来许多影响。The emergence of English as the planet's second tongue also has enormous ramifications for Anglophone governments, businesses and universities.

以英语为母语的人们可以浏览的网站和中文网站的数量一样,用日语写的博客和用英语写的博客在数量上也大致类似。Anglophone web-users have as many pages to choose from as Chinese speakers, and there are roughly as many blogs in Japanese as there are in English.

有关自由意志和道德责任的问题是哲学史上最古老、最持久的问题,也是最艰难的一个问题。This is a well-conceived anthology which represents some of the most important recent work on free will and responsibility in Anglophone philosophy.

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在这段时间里,母语是英语的批评家们通常都处于病危状态,因为看对白字幕过多,他们深受大脑或眼睛疲劳之苦。Anglophone critics are usually in the critical ward by this stage, suffering brain fatigue or with their eyes in traction after excess subtitle exercise.

直到不久前,40载超常规的金融创新一直被视为西方决策者和银行家额手相庆的理由。Four decades-worth of extraordinary financial innovation were, until recently, regarded as cause for congratulation among Anglophone policymakers and bankers.

英语在一些诸如斯里兰卡和坦桑尼亚等前殖民地国家遭到了排斥,在那里精英们使其让步于僧伽罗语和斯瓦希里语——这是他们所讲的母语。English has been rejected in other ex-colonies, such as Sri Lanka and Tanzania, where Anglophone elites gave way to Sinhala- and Swahili-speaking nationalists.

与之相反,印度一直以来都有很多说英语的精英,但是他们占全国总人口的比例太少。印度总体上比中国贫穷且教育水平落后。India, by contrast, has long had well-known Anglophone elites, but this is a narrow slice of the population in a country considerably poorer and less educated than China.

在美国或是其他英语国家,“法哲学”是哲学的一个子学科,也就是我们现在称之为“规范理论”的那个哲学分支。In the United States and the rest of the Anglophone world, "philosophy of law" is a subdiscipline of philosophy, a special branch of what is nowadays frequently called "normative theory.