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从某种意义上讲,编译器就是一个非常奇妙的预处理器。and a compiler is, in some sense, just a very fancy preprocessor.

未定义的符号与预处理器指令一起使用。A symbol that was not defined was used with a preprocessor directive.

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另一个例外是空格符不允许出现在预处理指示中。Another exception is that spaces are not allowed inside preprocessor directives.

使得头文件安全的通用做法,是使用预处理器定义头文件保护符。A common way to make headers safe uses the preprocessor to define a header guard.

中间形式,如直译器或翻译器的输出,都是不允许的。Intermediate forms such as the output of a preprocessor or translator are not allowed.

在混凝土大坝施工仿真计算中,有大量时间是花费在前后处理程序的编制上。During dam construction simulation analysis, the preprocessor and postprocessor will take much time.

结果表明以极对数映射作预处理器压缩比高。Results show highter compnaion ratio were obtained using polar-log cooulinatemappmg as preprocessor.

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如果需要独立于平台的代码,请在预处理程序表达式中使用下面的预定义符号If code needs to be platform-dependent, use the following predefined symbols in preprocessor expressions

使用源代码扫描程序或其他预处理程序,删除含有可疑代码构造的输入。Use a source-code scanner or other preprocessor that discards input that uses questionable code constructs.

这是在电子所内首次利用PLD器件实现信号处理的复杂算法。The azimuth preprocessor design with CPLD is the first time in realizing complex algorithm with PLD in IEAS.

其成果极大地缩短了空调用贯流风机叶轮CFD分析的前处理时间。The results reduce extremely the CFD preprocessor time for through flow fan impeller used by air conditioner.

从第7章开始,我们会介绍一个简单的预处理程序用来简化编码,然而即便如此,链接的改变一样是易错的。Beginning in chapter 7 we will use a simple preprocessor to simplify coding, but even then linkage switching is error-prone.

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可用于对你代码中的宏展开进行调试,或者替代你的内建预处理器。Usable for instance for the debugging of the expansion of macros in your code or as a replacement for your build in preprocessor.

水声靶标系统预处理机主要由模拟接收机、驱动电路和测深电路三个部分组成。The UATS preprocessor is composed of three modules, including an analog receiver, a driving circuit as well as a fathoming circuit.

一个预处理记号可以是头文件名、标识符、数字、字符类型、字符串类型、元素或者混合字符。A preprocessor token can be a header name, identifier, number, character literal, string literal, symbol, or miscellaneous character.

预处理器主要有延迟单元、乘法器和窄带滤波电路构成,可以从NRZ数据中得到时钟信号。The preprocessor can extract clock information from NRZ data stream, which consists of a delay cell, a multiplier and a narrow-band filter.

在编写头文件之前,我们需要引入一些额外的预处理器设施。预处理器允许我们自定义变量。Before we write our own header, we need to introduce some additional preprocessor facilities. The preprocessor lets us define our own variables.

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在水电站厂房这样结构复杂的大型水工结构的温度应力计算中,大量的时间花费在前后处理程序的编制上。Calculating the thermal stress of complex larger hydraulic structure, such as hydropower plant, the preprocessor and postprocessor will take much time.

通过信号预处理使漏磁信号图像化,并提出一种基于管道漏磁检测技术的缺陷几何特征量化的方法。Through the preprocessor so that the MFL signals into image, and presents the methods of quantitative recognition for the measure of defects base on MFL inspection.

这是因为实际的源代码和变量绑定可以更改,这是建立在环境或者构建宏预处理程序指令的时间定义的基础上的。This is because the actual source code and the variable binding can change, based on the environment or the build time definitions of macros and preprocessor commands.