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保惠师就是圣灵。The Comforter is the Holy Ghost.

她戴上一条长毛织围巾就出去了。She put on a comforter and went out.

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你,你是我最初的一个安慰者!You, you are my first one comforter !

使用柔软舒适的床单和被子。Use comfortable soft sheets and comforter.

用丝绸与凫绒做被子简直是绝配。Silk and eiderdown make a perfect match in a comforter.

当然,不要忘了被子和枕头。And of course, you'll need a comforter and a pillow, too.

祂称这位将要来的,是「真理的圣灵」、是「保惠师」。He called him the Spirit of truth, the helper or the comforter.

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我的被罩是双面的,一面红,一面蓝。My comforter was reversible, red on one side, blue on the other.

如果你从未感受哀伤,你怎能知道我是安慰者?If you never felt sadness, how would you know that I'm a Comforter?

杰米跳回床上,拉起被子蒙住头。Jaimie jumped back into bed and pulled the comforter over her head.

如果你从未感到悲伤,那么你怎么知道他是安慰者?If you never felt sadness, How would you know that I am a Comforter?

圣灵保惠师将受于耶稣的一切,告诉了我们。The Comforter shows us that which He has received of our LORD Jesus.

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与婴儿床床垫相配的被子又选什么样的呢?What to do with the matching comforter that came with the crib bedding?

真理之灵是在2000年前圣灵降临节赠予的你们的保惠师。The spirit of truth is your comforter bestowed 2000 years ago at Pentecost.

和我的是一个“被子”——这是会安慰别人的人。And mine is to be a "comforter" ----that is someone who will give comfort to others.

我们犯罪敌对的,是威严的创造主、救赎主和安慰者。And the Person against whom we sin is our magnificent Creator, Savior, and Comforter.

相反,用床罩代替,这样甚至一个三岁的孩子就可以把床给“藏”起来。Instead set up the bed with a comforter. Even a 3-year-old can "hide" a bed under it.

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所以,他伸手向柔软的毯子,拉着它盖过老人死去的脸。So he reached for the comforter and stretched the blanket over the old man’s dead face.

如果你铺床的时候要把棉被或者羽绒被头角铺反了,那就悄悄的啥也别说。If you pull a big comforter or duvet over the top when you make the bed, you really can't tell.

我们的主在最后一天的晚上,与门徒们在一起的时候,曾应许差遣圣灵来作保惠师。Our Lord, in the last night that He was with His disciples, promised to send the Holy Spirit as a Comforter.