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还是在公园里面吹泡泡比较安全.Itâ s much safer to blow bubbles in the park.

反过来,印度烟草协会减少了采购的估计量。In turn, the ITA had cut its procurement estimates.

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老阿罗查上次剪头发是在11年前。Itâ s been 11 years since Arocha has cut his hair.

现在是建立网关代理服务的时候了。Now itâ ™s time to setup the gateway proxy service.

在两个平台上,都可向列表中硬编码值。On both platforms, itâ ™s possible to hard-code values to the list.

另一种可能是ITA将剥离它的预订系统业务,组建一家新公司。Or perhaps ITA could spin off its res system business into a new company.

在文档的编辑次数中,需执行多少次这样的查找?Of the times itâ ™s edited, how many times will these lookups be required?

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而且可能有不止一家的公司曾经向ITA出价以试深浅。And, perhaps one or more have tested the waters with their own bid for ITA.

他说,监管机构应按如下方式处理ITA问题——“或者附加条件,或者否决”。He said regulators should deal with the ITA problem “either by conditions or denial”.

毕竟ITA是一个充满魅力的企业,而且对于其投资者来说,还有众多的选择。After all, ITA is a very attractive business and has plenty of options for its investors.

在冠状动脉旁路移植术中应用骨骼肌化的ITA和带蒂ITA一样安全、有效。Skeletonized ITA is as safe and effective as ITA with pedicel in coronary artery bypass grafting.

这里必须避免使用按钮或者活动链接,因为很难模仿它们的提交行为。Here you have to avoid using buttons or action links because itâ ™s difficult to mimic their posts.

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目前,艾托银行在巴西、巴哈马、乌拉圭、阿根廷和美国设有分行。Currently , ita bba has offices in brazil , the bahamas , uruguay , argentina and the united states.

ITA拥有实时更新的航班信息数据库,以便进行分析和对比选择。ITA then keeps an up-to-date database of all this flight information for analysis and comparison shopping.

2000年,洛克希德·马丁公司赢得了为期10年的军队合同,作为美国国防部ITA合同的IT供应商。In 2000, Lockheed Martin won a 10-year Army award to serve as the DOD’s IT provider under the ITA contract.

它的足够安全为您的敏感的婴儿和足够的安全使用为整个家庭作为沐浴露和洗手。Itâ s safe enough for your sensitive baby and safe enough to use as a body wash and hand soap for the whole family.

方法和结果——从1996年到2001年,连续1515例患者接受了骨骼化的双侧ITA旁路移植术。Methods and Results— Between 1996 and 2001, 1515 consecutive patients underwent skeletonized bilateral ITA grafting.

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而且ITA是否愿意放弃它近几年费尽心思所发展的业务?And, would ITA want to merely drop a business line that it has thrown its heart and soul into over the last few years?

向经理、客户或同事提醒可能发生的问题越早越好。Alerting managers, customers, or co-workers about a potential problem early is better then waiting until itâ ™s too late.

薇格曼的人发展出的一种按摩疗法,她是一位专业的医师,在学校里专修了理疗和按摩。Rhythmical Massage Therapy was developed in the 1920's by Dr Ita Wegman, a medical doctor schooled in physiotherapy and massage.