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新奥尔良名厨们已经提出烹制海狸鼠的食谱。Famous New Orleans chefs have come up with recipes for cooking nutria.

红狼通常以白尾鹿,浣熊,野兔,海狸鼠以及其它齧齿动物为食。Red wolves primarily prey on white-tailed deer, raccoons, rabbits, nutria and other rodents.

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肉颜色适中,质地鲜嫩,嫩度极显著低于常见猪、牛、羊肉。The meat color is really good, and the nutria meat have lowest tenderness than beef, mutton and pork.

我是从1989年开始搞养殖业的,先后养过蜗牛、麝鼠、香猪、海狸鼠等。I begin to do aquaculture from 1989, had raised snail, muskrat, sweet pig, nutria to wait early or late.

红狼以白尾鹿或者其他的一些小的哺乳动物为食,比如沼泽兔子,浣熊以及海狸鼠。The red wolf diet consists mainly of white-tailed deer and small mammals such as marsh rabbits, raccoons and nutria.

比如说,美国南部一种侵略性啮齿类动物叫海狸鼠,它会破坏整个美国东南部的湿地。For example, an invasive South America rodent called the nutria is destroying wetlands across the Southeastern United States.

比如说,美国南部一种侵略性啮齿类动物叫海狸鼠,它会破坏整个美国东南部的湿地。For example, an invasive South American rodent called the nutria is destroying wetlands across the southeastern United States.

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1月18日在济南召开的山东省海狸鼠养殖开发研讨会也再现了养殖的前途和曙光。The Shandong that held in Jinan on January 18 saves nutria breed aquatics to develop a seminar also emersion breed aquatics future and dawn.

本课题从肉的品质,肉糜性质,产品开发三个角度来对海狸鼠肉进行研究,为其进一步的开发提供理论基础。This theme mainly researched three angles of the fleshy quality, mincemeat quality and product developing of the nutria meat as its basis theory.

结果表明海狸鼠卵母细胞与其它啮齿动物的卵母细胞一样,能够在体外培养成熟,完成第一次减数分裂,排出第一极体。The results indicated that nutria oocytes, like other rodent oocytes, can be matured in vitro, complete first meiotic division and discharge first polar body.

但是关于海狸鼠胴体品质,肉质特性,营养成分,肉糜性质,产品加工等一系列相应研究还处在起步阶段。But at present a series of study that the carcass quality, meat quality characteristic, nourishment composition, mincemeat quality, the product processes of nutria is beginning.