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莉莉安对我敞开心胸,我成了她的知己。Lillian opened up to me, and I became her confidante.

红颜尽碎,促成半生孤寒。Confidante as broken, contributed to half of the cold.

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俗世女子,谁能够如狐般拥有不老红颜?Mortal woman, who can have such as fox, old confidante?

一朝春尽红颜老,花落人亡现两不知。Once the spring as confidante old, people now know flowers two.

实际上,我从来都不需要什么知心女友,因为我已有一个假想中的了。Actually, I never needed a confidante because I had an imaginary one.

她是丹最爱的偶像,珍视的红颜知己和挚友。She was Dan's favorite model, cherished confidante and dearest friend.

我想象自己能有一个与生俱来的亲密伙伴,一个值得信任的支持者和知己。I imagined I would have a natural comrade, a trusted ally and confidante.

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把你的治疗师当做是可以分享一切心事的知己。Think of your therapist as the closest confidante you can ever share anything with.

事实上,她是商人的红颜知己。She is a very considerate person, always patient and in fact is the merchant’s confidante.

海伍德曾与薄家过从甚密,后被发现被毒死在重庆一个酒店房间里。Heywood, a onetime close family confidante who was found poisoned in a Chongqing hotel room.

荏苒而逝,奈何命运弄人,心中的挚爱已然他人的红颜知己。Flies away and alternative fate lane person, in the heart of love is someone elss confidante.

拯救我脱离着爱情的苦海,不切实际的想法,蒙杀了我十八岁的红颜。Save me from the love of suffering, unrealistic idea, be killed my eighteen year old confidante.

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丹尼斯一直是波烈的服装模特,直到两人在结婚23年后离异。Denise served as her husband's muse and confidante until their divorce after 23 years of marriage.

所谓永恒的爱,就是从花开一直到花落,从红颜一直爱到白发。The so-called eternal love, from flower to flower, from love to the white-haired confidante has been.

女人最懂红酒,也最会品红酒,红酒和女人是一对红颜知己。The woman is the most understand wine, and most will magenta wine, red wine and woman is a confidante.

我愿与你共赴天涯,却怕红颜老去,几时情愫难消尽。I am willing to work with you in the horizon, but is afraid of confidante old feelings, when difficulties as.

女性参与者和那些受过教育的参与者在密友这一项没有列出任何名字的可能性最低。Female participants and those who were educated were the least likely to report no names on their confidante list.

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但是,赖莎爽直的个性使她在西方大受欢迎,同时在政务上,她也是丈夫最亲密的知己。But her outgoing style made her a hit in the West, and she was her husband's closest confidante on political affairs.

遭遇奚落的刀锋留下狠话走出泰和楼,可就在门口,他见到了旧时红颜知己胡畔。Encounter put-downs blade leave malicious words out of taihe floor, can in the door, he saw the old confidante hu bank.

当然,说某些人的闲话预示着他们是你的知心女友或朋友——我们不会对敌人说闲话。And, of course, gossiping with someone signifies that they are your confidante or friend —we do not gossip with our enemies.