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罂粟经不起移植。Poppies do not transplant well.

这种植物不宜移植。The plant doesn't transplant well.

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有些植物不宜移植。Some plants do not transplant well.

去年我做了肝移植手术。Last year I received a liver transplant.

移栽到含泥炭的土壤里。Transplant the seedlings into peaty soil.

如果不做心脏移植手术,她就会死去。She would have died without the transplant.

我们将把这些花儿移栽到花园里。We'll transplant the flowers to the garden.

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或者说是,躯体移植。or as we might put it, a torsel transplant.

生死关头的肝移植手术才挽救了他的生命。A last-minute liver transplant saved his life.

我接受了心脏移植,那还是我。I've gotten a heart transplant. it's still me.

我接受了肝脏移植,那还是我。I've gotten a liver transplant. It's still me.

村民们将移居到另外一个地方。The villagers will transplant to another place.

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我想把这支花移植到那个罐子里。I'd like to transplant this flower into that can.

鑫龙现在急等骨髓移植的手术费用。He is currently waiting for a bone marrow transplant.

他的生命的被最后一分钟心脏移植手术拯救。His life was saved by a last-minute heart transplant.

移植的器官受到周围组织的排斥。The transplant was rejected by the surrounding tissue.

人们正在通过器官移植手术欺骗死亡。Man is cheating death through organ transplant surgery.

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史蒂夫将自己肝脏移植的整个故事讲给她听。Steve told her the whole story of his liver transplant.

我的班主任好像做了人格移植。My head teacher seemed to have a personality transplant.

的确古怪,可也可能她连眼睛也是移植的假眼。Some weird contacts. Or maybe she had an eye transplant.