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当蝴蝶放弃他们的打兰。When butterflies renounce their drams.

宣布与儿子脱离关系对望来说是很痛苦的。It was painful for him to renounce his son.

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忘掉我,离弃我,厌恶我之种种。Forget, renounce me, hate whate'er was mine.

弃绝后天扰攘的学习,免除忧愁烦恼吧!When we renounce learning we have no troubles.

我抛弃对逐日者家族和那错误的王子的忠诚。I renounce my loyalties to House Sunstrider and its false prince.

你若真心要上主的平安,等于是说你愿弃绝所有的梦境。W-185.5. To mean you want the peace of God is to renounce all dreams.

然而,想要找到明确拒绝马克思主义的学生也不容易。Still, it isn’t easy to find students who will expressly renounce Marxism.

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接着他们燃起巨火,若她仍不放弃基督教义就会被烧死。They then lit a huge fire to burn her if she did not renounce Christianity.

人应该放弃自己的涅磐,为了首先帮助它人达到它?Should one renounce Nirvana oneself, in order to help others towards it first?

中国的出家人几乎都是自己选择出家的,我也是这样。Almost all the monks and nuns in China renounce the world by themselves, so do I.

勇德能够使人为了维护正义的事,甘愿放弃一切,甚至牺牲自己的生命。It disposes one even to renounce and sacrifice his life in defense of a just cause.

尼西米用的是祷告耶稣用圣经上话语回敬撒旦谎言。Nehemiah turned to prayer and jesus quoted scripture to renounce the devils's lies.

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我尊重与我们盟友的贸易协议,不会单方面中止协议。I will respect our trade agreements with our allies, not unilaterally renounce them.

他们放弃社交、城市、感官的享受、快乐、虚荣、傲气和利益。They renounce the world, towns, sensualities, pleasures, vanities, pride, interests.

“PDVSA要求放弃裁决权利的投标者”,佩德罗帕尔马,一位经济学家这样说。“PDVSA is demanding bidders renounce arbitration rights, ” says Pedro Palma, an economist.

这将迫使那些拥有成箱现金的人要么证明自己的钱是干净的,要么放弃他们的非法收入。That will force those with suitcases of cash either to come clean or to renounce their loot.

苏联领导层曾多次清楚的声明他们不会放弃马列主义的目标。Soviet leadership has repeatedly made explicit that they shall not renounce their Marxist-Leninist goals.

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期望卡斯特罗宣布放弃他的信仰或者承认自己卷入杀戮和暴乱行为是不合理的。Castro cannot be reasonably expected to renounce his beliefs or implicate himself in killings or atrocities.

维克多曾拥有放弃生命的勇气,如今却不敌小恩小惠。Viktor had found the strength to renounce life itself-but now he seemed unable to refuse candies and cookies.

但是,由于暴力从来就是行使权威的一种形式,因此,他们自然而然地也反对暴力。But since violence is always a way of exercising authority, they were led logically to renounce violence, too.