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为了全部而快乐相融。With joyful interpenetration for all.

第五点,对大脑意识的解释。Fifth one, the interpenetration of consciousness of the mind.

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天人互参构成了意象思维人化自然的实践性基础。The interpenetration of Nature and Man is a practical base of humanized nature of imagery thinking.

我的兴趣在列维斯特劳斯,尤其是在萨特和他的想法,两国之间互自负。I had taken an interest in Levi-Strauss and especially in Sartre and his idea of interpenetration between two egos.

通过相互渗透,城市建筑、城市空间和城市交通得到有效的整合。Through the interpenetration process, the urban space, the urban architecture and urban transport may be integrated.

即文化建筑向城市空间的形态要素、文化氛围的渗透以及城市空间向文化建筑的景观、城市活动的渗透。Through the"interpenetration"it makes the urban space more open and humanized and the cultural architecture more dynamic.

蒙汉语言的互相渗透与影响是元代社会语言的重要特征。The language interpenetration and influences between Han and Mongolia is the distinguished feature of social language in Yuan dynasty.

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第三部分阐述真理和谬误相互渗透、相互包含的理论与现实意义。The third part elaborate the theory and the current significance of the interpenetration and in-terembracing of the truth and the fallacy.

这使得粒子的形态可控,并且避免了本来很容易互溶的层间的互相渗透。This allows the particle morphology to be controlled and prevents pronounced interpenetration of the different layers despite their miscibility.

园林生态设计是新近出现的一种提法,是生态设计与园林设计相互交叉和渗透的产物。Ecological design of landscape is a new term, is a product that cross-cutting and interpenetration between the ecological design and gardening design.

从概念和类型两个方面探讨城市各种类型空间之间的相互渗透,并分析了城市空间相互渗透对于城市形态的影响。From two aspects of concept and style, the paper discusses the interpenetration between the urban spaces and analyzes its influence on the urban form.

语用学原理渗透到双语词典编纂理论中,使词典中的语用信息成为词典学研究的新课题。With the interpenetration of pragmatic theory in bilingual lexicography, the pragmatic information in bilingual dictionary has become a focus in recent years.

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自由认识是理性认识和实践活动相互作用、相互渗透而融合成的一个崭新的、相对独立的认识论范畴。Free knowledge is a newly discovered, relatively independent cognitive realm formed from the interaction and interpenetration of rational knowledge and practice.

玛雅人粉碎效果是一个有用的技术,知道的,但如果使用不当,它也能引起头痛的原因很多模拟和缓慢渗透的问题。The Maya shatter effect can be a useful technique to know, but if used incorrectly, it can also cause many headaches due to slow simulation and interpenetration issues.

传统的文化价值观念在广告中的渗透改变了广告单纯的经济社会产物的角色,并使其成为一种新的文化形式。The interpenetration of traditional idea of culture values into advertisements has changed the role of the pure economic social production, and made it a new culture form.

为解决这一矛盾,建筑师采用体块穿插、碰撞的手法,在各个立面都形成了比较丰富的形体效果。In order to solve this contradiction, the building adopts a technique by means of the interpenetration and collision of the body mass, and produces abundant body effects in each facade.

本文立足于探询基于CTCS2列控中心与其它列控设备的互联互通,接口协议的统一。This research is aimed at the interpenetration between the train control centre and other train control equipment, as well as the unification of their interface protocols on basis of CTCS2.

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通过改变加料顺序、溶胀时间及双相互穿等多步聚合方法,考察了动态力学和力学性能变化的规律。Their dynamic mechanical and mechanical properties were investigated via changing feeding order and swelling time as well as using the method of multistage polymerization for interpenetration.

生态水文地质学是生态学与水文地质学交叉渗透后形成的学科,是地下水资源可持续利用的理论基础。Eco-hydrogeology is a new discipline formed by interpenetration and integration of ecology and hydrogeology and a theoretical foundation for the sustainable utilization of groundwater resources.

我们得到的所有解均保证了界面处的面力连续条件和位移连续条件,且不出现弹性双材料界面裂纹问题中所常见的应力振荡奇性和裂纹面相互嵌入的不合理现象。All of our results not only satisfy the continuity of displacements and the continuity of tractionson the interface, but also are free of oscillatory singularity and interpenetration of crack faces.