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这样将降低性能。This will degrade performance.

工作记忆的消退有多快?How quickly does working memory degrade?

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有机磷酸盐在土壤中降解十分迅速。The organophosphates degrade fairly rapidly in soil.

然而,这种方式也会降低数据库性能。However, this will also degrade database performance.

从事劳动意味着贬低自己and you degrade yourself in submitting yourself to it.

起来,可别把你自己贬成一个下贱的爬虫。Rise, and don't degrade youself into an abject reptile.

阳光中的紫外线可以分解葡萄酒,让葡萄酒提前熟化。The sun's UV rays can degrade and prematurely age wine.

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在阿富汗,我们一定要打掉塔利班的势头。In Afghanistan, we must continue to degrade the Taliban.

起来,可别把你自己贬成一个下贱的爬虫。Rise, and don't degrade yourself into an abject reptile.

现代巴卢不会降低你的望远镜的光学。A modern Barlow will not degrade your telescope's optics.

核桃木乾燥缓慢,需要小心护理,以避免发生烘乾老化。It dries slowly, and care is needed to avoid kilning degrade.

起来,可别把你自己贬成一个下贱的爬虫——可别!Rise, and don't degrade yourself into an abject reptile--don't!'

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齿痕舌与瘀点舌的舌色饱和度降低。The colour saturation degrade in spotted tongue and dark tongue.

IP网络中,分组丢失是影响视频数据恢复质量的重要因素。Packet loss over IP network can degrade the quality of video data.

番茄汁中的酸会削弱其他材料带来的味觉。The acids in tomato juice can degrade the drink’s other ingredients.

甲烷,虽然净寿命只有10年,却可以破坏臭氧层。CH4, with a net lifetime of 10 years, can also degrade the ozone layer.

微藻具有富集和降解有机污染物的能力。Microalgae has the ability to degrade and accumulate organic pollutants.

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DADS在烹饪时不会很快消失,保健作用得以保存。DADS does not degrade as quickly and its health benefits survive cooking.

GY2B菌株对菲的降解可能通过水杨酸途径。Strain Sphingomonas sp. GY2B degrade phenanthrene via salicylate pathway.

所有以上这些措施都能有效降低孕产妇及新生儿病死率。All the above can degrade the case fatality rate of puerperal and neonatus.