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出来,欧迪亚斯。Come out, Odious.

恶债不予偿还。Odious debt is not repayable.

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请你别谈那个讨厌的家伙吧。Pray do not talk of that odious man.

在这个方面至少是可憎的。So it is in this respect at least odious.

还得写事务上的信,我看这是够厌烦的吧!Letters of business too! How odious I should think them!

最可憎的压制总是戴着正义的面具。The most odious of all oppressions are those which mask as justice.

倘若娜塔丽这时是神志清醒的,那么这一切就会令人作呕,不可名状的。Odious and unspeakable as all this would be if she were sane and conscious.

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但这种宝藏自然最使人厌憎,因为它使那在前的将要在后。But this treasure is naturally most odious , for it makes the first to be last.

你们说你们所不做的,这在真主看来,是很可恨的。Grievously odious is it in the sight of Allah that ye say that which ye do not.

第一种情况不能引发怜悯或恐惧,只能单纯引起我们的厌恶。The first situation is not fear-inspiring or piteous , but simply odious to us.

艺术家投合传统派的观点,便是最可恶的叛逆行为。When an artist deserts to the side of the angels it is the most odious of treasons.

别在意这个傻呼呼的左翼分子-戈登·布朗。Pay no attention to the bleeding heart trendy Lefties led by the odious Gordon Brown.

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“我必须要想点别的办法,”她对自己说,“去解决掉那个可恶的孩子。”"I must think of something else," she said to herself, "to get rid of that odious child.

第一个可怕的危险是成为最讨厌、最不受欢迎的人——假正经。The first is the terrible danger of becoming that most odious and least supportable of persons—a prig.

美国总统奥巴马批评乌干达提出的反同性恋立法“可憎的”。US President Barack Obama has criticised as "odious" proposed anti-homosexuality legislation in Uganda.

对于许多乘客来说,新收费政策带来的最大麻烦无疑是他们必须争夺机上行李箱的空间。For many travelers, the most odious aspect of the baggage fee is the anticipated battle for overhead-bin space.

你们害了我,使我在本地的居民,即客纳罕人和培黎齐人中,成了个可恨的人。You have troubled me, to make me odious to the inhabitants of the land, among the Canaanites and the Perizzites.

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中国公开以”互不干涉“为由对可恶的当权者表示支持,并试图以此为荣。Publicly, China presents its support for odious incumbents as “non-interference” and tries to make a virtue of it.

这是一个最下流的无耻事件,由于加进了一个道德上的魔鬼而变得更加严重。And what made it even more odious was the personality of the prisoner, an inhuman monster wholly without a moral sense.

在这些地方,当局可憎的阵容,几十年来就一直没有发生过变化,但这,也没有引发反对它们的群众的起义。The odious cast of the regimes in place has persisted unaltered for decades, without triggering mass revolts against them.