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他回到家里无损伤。He returned home without injury.

留不住的青春、抹不掉的伤。Keep youth, cannot erase injury.

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外伤比内伤更容易得到谅解。An injury is forgiven more easily

假装或夸大伤势。Feigning, or exaggerating injury.

他被一支箭射伤了。He is shot the injury by a rocket.

我在这几年中,没受过什么大伤。I got through without major injury.

IMA做为心肌损伤的标记IMA as a marker of myocardial injury

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一辈子,不说后悔,不诉离伤。Life, not repent, and v. from injury.

我们很担心他的伤势。We are very worried about his injury.

脑干损害常为非对称性。Brain stem injury is often unilaterai.

她头受伤致终身耳聋。The head injury deafened her for life.

老板的脸因受伤而变丑了。The injury disfigured the boss's face.

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伤病满营使球队陷入了困境。The team has been bedeviled by injury.

的确受伤的比率还没有降低。Indeed, injury rates have not gone down.

感谢破产的银行家,我的脚踝避免了受伤。Rupt banker, my ankle avoided an injury.

工厂无工伤事故记录。There was no injury accident documented.

如果有眼睛损伤你要做些什么呢?What can you do if an eye injury occurs?

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杰克在整个赛季一直被伤痛所折磨。Jock had been dogged by injury all season.

伤害应以仁慈来弥补。Injury should be recompensed with kindness.

150名乘客中鲜有未受伤者。Of the 150 passengers , few escaped injury.