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生活不如意时,不要捡起那块小石头。When life craps on you, don’t pick up the rock.

整件事情,说穿了,就他妈的一个字,背!The whole thing, to be honest, is just one thing of craps.

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嘿你能传送我们到凯撒大厦的骰子赌博桌吗?Hey. can you tele-port us to the craps table in caesar's palace?

一天晚上,老李坐在拉斯维加斯一间酒吧里,喷着大话。One night Mr. Munson was sitting at a bar in Las Vegas, playing craps.

带一笔钱去拉斯维加斯玩一下二十一点和双骰子。Take a set amount of money and hit the Blackjack and Craps tables in Las Vegas.

中国必须了解,是很多美国人,他们才是真正令人作恶,贪婪又爱耍花样。China must know, it's many US people, who are really disgusting and greedy and craps.

这就如同看着火的一个人在赌桌前待了两个小时但却不退出那样。That was like watching someone catch fire at a craps table for two solid hours without crapping out.

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ROFS2文件调换——不要不同电话变体。这将会杀死你的电话!Donhat Swap ROFS2 files within craps wagerween different phone varilittle pesters. This will kill your phone!

纣王的跟尾狗。不能做大事,因为他讲就天下无敌,做就有心无力。King Zhou's crazy supporter. He can't achieve?any great accomplishment, because he just know how to talk craps.

老虎机的魅力在于其彻底的简单明了。Their appeal lies in their utter simplicity. You do not need to understand a complex system of betting, as in craps.

我们可以考虑给个更好的价值,但是我能必定你在国外这款躺椅一定能卖到更好的价值。When we buy together we ca suggestion a tryod very much craps better quote. I am certain that you can sell with nicer price.

在赌场里玩双骰子游戏有时还是胜算满大的,当然你有本事算牌则另当别论了。Certain bets on the craps table have some of the best odds in a casino, unless you're going to do real work like counting cards.

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白菜类蔬菜包括大白菜和小白菜,原产于我国,是在世界各国蔬菜品种和蔬菜栽培中独具风格的种类。The vegetable craps of Chinese cabbage originated from China, which comprised non-heading Chinese cabbage and heading Chinese cabbage.

任何一个上过牌桌的人都知道输钱的人都会相信自己会翻本。Anyone who has ever stood at a craps table knows that losers always believe they're one roll of the dice from starting a winning streak.

他们用学生和联盟的钱到饭店吃大餐,而那些选手只能啃骰子。They use the students' and unions' money to enjoy at fine restaurants while the competitor eat craps. Add that with China, it becomes a very bad mix of corrupted bag.

成千上万美元每年丢失把骗子切成小方块,并且我们建议使用的人胡扯熟悉这些技术为了保护自己。Millions of dollars are lost every year to dice cheaters and we recommend that anyone who plays Craps be familiar with these techniques in order to protect themselves.

一个赌场不会有,大数定理被替代,或者轮盘赌和,双骰赌博会是长期亏本买卖的风险。A casino does not have a risk that the law of large numbers will be repealed and a roulette table will be a long-term losing proposition or a craps table will be a long-term losing proposition.

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一个赌场不会有,大数定理被替代,或者轮盘赌和,双骰赌博会是长期亏本买卖的风险。A casino does not have a risk that the law of large numbers will be repealed and a roulette table will be a long-term losing proposition or a craps table will be a long-term losing proposition.