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这个标准是不错的。That's pretty much the guideline.

这是一条简单的设计指导原则。This is a simple design guideline.

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我们只将这个过程作为指导原则。We use this process only as a guideline.

该系列带有电视荷父母的准则。The series carries a TV-G parental guideline.

吊重物一定要有牵引绳。Be sure to use guideline when lift any weights.

教学评估的指导思想是什么?What is the guideline of the teaching evaluation?

但这对诺奖导向又意味着什么?Butwhat would that mean for the Nobel’s guideline?

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“挽手同步,永远向前”是我们一向坚持的理念。"Go on. Hand in hand " is the guideline that we follow.

可以使用以下指南来影响连接顺序。The order can be influenced with the following guideline.

这是价格表,但只供参考。This is the pricelist, but it serves as a guideline only.

目前的世卫组织治理指南推荐使用。it is recommended for use by a current WHO treatment guideline.

米歇里博士表示,这没有一个必然的准则可循。Mishori says this is not necessarily a good guideline to follow.

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上述案例研究只是一个用作指导原则的示例。The above case study is just an example to serve as a guideline.

这是阿的既定方针,不会改变。This is a consistent guideline of Albania and will never change.

一个通用的准则将是某个训练介于30、60分钟。A general guideline would be somewhere between 30 and 60 minutes.

最后以剩馀不平衡量进行验证。At last, the remaining unbalancing value as guideline is identified.

米歇里博士表示,这没有一个必然的准则可循。Dr. Mishori says this is not necessarily a good guideline to follow.

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“诚实、求质、务实、开拓”是我们坚持不懈的经营方针。"Honesty, QiuZhi, pragmatic, pioneering" is our persistent guideline.

发展就是硬道理“,成为他一切行动的指南。"Development is good sense " , become him the guideline of all actions.

这是服务指引,如果有问题,请打XXXXX。This is a service guideline. If you have any question, please call XXXXX.