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无对抗性竖起大拇指,甚至手指。Without opposable thumbs, or even fingers.

没有进化论,你怎么解释可相对的大拇指?Without evolution, how do you explain opposable thumbs?

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对生拇指还能够完成抓取和捡起的动作。Opposable thumbs also allow us to grab and pick up things.

我们的对生拇指,使得我们可以使用手指工作。Our opposable thumbs, as we call them, allow us to work with our fingers.

但是,与人类不同,无尾猿的脚以及手,都有可以与其他手指相对的大拇指。But unlike man, the ape has opposable thumbs on its feet as well as on its hands.

两只手都把三个指头伸直,弯曲拇指。He stretched the three thick fingers of both hands and flexed the opposable thumbs.

类人猿和猴子脚部也有增加其灵敏性的对生拇指。Apes and monkeys also have opposable thumbs on their feet that help their dexterity.

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这是一本,每两个对抗性大拇指大胆和现代女性一定会喜欢。This is a book that every bold and modern woman with two opposable thumbs will love.

既然需要用到对面的大拇指,这是一个高级伶长类使用的手势。Since it requires the use of opposable thumbs it is a gesture used by higher primates.

既然需要用到对面的大拇指,这是一个高级灵长类使用的手势。Since it requires the use of opposable thumbs, it is a gesture used by higher primates.

与人类和其他灵长目动物共有的另一个重要特征是,无尾猿有与其他手指相对的大拇指。Another important trait that apes share with man and other primates is the opposable thumb.

你会读会想会说会笑会走,还能正常运用你的对生拇指。You can probably read and think and speak and laugh and walk and use your opposable thumbs.

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灵长类中发现的关键特征是手脚可以抓东西并且通常有相对的拇指和脚趾。Among the key features found in primates are hands and feet that can grasp and often have opposable thumbs and toes.

据我所知,中高档假肢脚,我天天使用,将永远弥补的事实,我没有一个反对的踝关节。I know the mid-grade prosthetic foot that I use everyday will never make up for the fact that I do not have an opposable ankle.

能接触另外四根手指的拇指,和大脑给人类带来了统治这个星球的工具,但是,智慧比“硬件”进化的更慢。Our opposable thumbs and big brains gave us the tools to dominate the planet, but wisdom comes more slowly than physical hardware.

达尔文主义的经济思想是竞争只表现为对抗性的竞争,企业在市场经济中面对激烈的竞争,优胜劣汰。The economical thought of Darwinism is that competition is opposable and the firm will survive if it get victory and wash out if it fail.

进攻上,她用那巨大的利爪与攻击性的拇指,以协助打击对手。Offensively she has large, sharp claws to assist with climbing and opposable thumbs to providing better gripping ability against opponents.

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大多数灵长类动物的拇指,虽然都可屈过来以指头内侧触及另外四指,却更粗短而近于腕部,其馀的手指也更长更弯。Although most other primates have opposable thumbs, their thumbs are shorter, farther down on the hand, and their fingers are longer and less straight.

这种象狐猴一样的骨骼特征类似灵长类,包括爪形手、可对立的拇指、带指甲的无爪指和相对短的肢体。The lemur-like skeleton features primate-like characteristics, including grasping hands, opposable thumbs, clawless digits with nails, and relatively short limbs.

他的手长有两个拇指,第二个的位置相当于人类手的边缘。这只长着六个指头的手猛地拍向桌面,同时巴拉克发出了狂暴的长啸。Now he slammed a six-fingered hand-equipped with a second opposable thumb where the edge of a human's hand would be-on the table and raised a whistling, furious voice.