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他把木头削去一毫米。He shaved a millimetre off the block.

所以,一个60毫米直径的卵石。So, a sixty millimetre diameter pebble.

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一弧秒的移动是一毫米的三十分之一。One second of arc movement is one thirtieth of a millimetre.

我们将会可以察觉在一年的时间里指距上的毫米运动。We'll be able to look at millimetre movements over the time span of a year.

要是这个弹簧再往右一毫米,我的视力就完了。If the spring had gone one millimetre to the right I would have lost my sight.

卵石大约有1毫米的球径,冷却剂就是氦气。The pebble has about a one millimetre microsphere diameter. The coolant is in fact helium.

这种绵羊穿的罩衣,是用0.05毫米厚的聚乙烯薄膜制成的,在剪完羊毛之后给羊穿上。The coats, made of polythene sheet 0.05 millimetre thick, are fitted on the sheep after shearing.

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格雷厄姆•肖特在刀刃上刻下了“一切皆有可能”的名言,其长度只有0.1毫米。Graham Short etched the motto “Nothing is impossible” which measures just a tenth of a millimetre.

前方四英里是一条冰川和冰雪覆盖的拉什莫尔山,它正在一毫米一毫米地向我们逼近。Four miles ahead, a glacier, a Mount Rushmore in icing sugar, advancing towards us millimetre by millimetre.

美国国家地理学会的数据显示,赤道每年都在以不到一毫米的速度“萎缩”。The 'bulge' at the Equator had been shrinking by less than a millimetre a year, according to National Geographic.

使用数字图像就意味着研究人员可以看3D脚印,精度达到毫米的百分之一。The use of the digital images means researchers can see prints in 3D, with accuracy to one-100th of a millimetre.

这个系统能在许多种类的材料上印刷比一毫米的一百分之一还要小的东西。The system can print electronic features smaller than a hundredth of a millimetre wide from a variety of materials.

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这套设备使用毫米波,可在各种条件下测量发展中的火山熔岩丘其大小、形状及温度。The device uses millimetre waves to measure the size, shape and temperature of a growing volcanic lava dome in all conditions.

几个月来,工程师们绞尽脑汁以求达到轨道设计上毫米级的精度,但我们在车上仍然是惊魂难定地东倒西歪的。Engineers had laboured for months to ensure precision to the millimetre in the track geometry, but we still lurched alarmingly.

当转速快到这种程度时,一滴打在你身上的1毫米的油漆点厉害得就象一颗近距离发射的.22口径的子弹。When it is whirring so fast, a one millimetre fleck of paint hits you as hard as a .22 caliber bullet fired at point blank range.

黑斑病的特征是叶子上表面有小小的黑色圆斑,直径从1毫米到1厘米不等。The symptoms of black spot are small round black patches, ranging from 1 millimetre to 1 centimetre, on the upper side of the leaf.

孢子接收器有一装置,可以表明每一平方毫米吸入的花粉粒数。The results from the pollendensitorneters indicatethenumberofpollen grains sucked into a device per square millimetre ofthe aperture.

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这些体长不超过一毫米的屋尘螨依靠吃人皮肤的鳞屑生存,并且释放一些很容易被人睡觉时吸入的过敏素。The bugs, which are less than a millimetre long, feed on scales of human skin and produce allergens which are easily inhaled during sleep.

这些零件配合排列在床架里的弓状模组,所以从床垫传出来的脉动可以经由底板架直接吸收。The components are aligned with the spring module in the base with millimetre precision so that impulses from the mattress can be absorbed directly by the slat base.

通常两个脑半球填充颅腔,4.5厘米厚,但是这位同学只有不到1毫米厚的脑组织覆盖在脊柱的顶端。Instead of two hemispheres filling the cranial cavity, some 4.5 centimetres deep, the student had less than 1 millimetre of cerebral tissue covering the top of his spinal column.