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请问一卡通有年费吗?。Is there an annual fee?

这些是一年生的植物。These are annual plants.

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好。请问一卡通有年费吗?。OK. Is there an annual fee?

你的全年收入有多少?What is your annual income?

你的年薪是多少?What is your annual emolument?

你的年薪是多少?How much is your annual salary?

做年度身体检查。Get an annual physical check-up.

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我们每年休假30天。Our annual leave is thirty days.

什么是每年续期费用?What are the annual renewal fees?

年度成员会议和务虚会。Annual members meeting and retreat.

每年的地租是多少?。How much is the annual ground rent?

你的信用卡年费是多少?。How much is your annual commission?

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无预付,安装费或年费。No setup, up-front, or annual fees.

有龙井长叶和龙井43,年产约260吨。The annual output is about 260 tons.

年生产中小型四轮拖拉机3万台。The annual production is 30000 sets.

这种植物是耐寒的一年生植物。The kind of plant is a hardy annual.

一年生草本根圆锥形或具刺。Herbs annual. Roots conic or spinose.

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诺西的年度收益至今还是负的。NSN has yet to make an annual profit.

现在的年息是多少?What is the annual interest rate now?

至多每年还有一次潜水鸟要来。At most, it tolerates one annual loon.