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您是第一次来罗马吗?E la prima volta che viene a Roma?

我乍看似有道理。I see a prima facie reason for it.

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我咋看似有道理。I see a prima facie reason for it.

首``席````女```高`音,舞台上的第一夫人!Prima donna, first lady of the stage!

首席女高音,你的歌声永不磨灭。Prima donna, your song shall never die!

初步证据表明他有罪。Prima facie he would appear to be guilty.

以我的经验,的确是有它的准确性。This cafe is located at prima setapak there.

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这就是中华龙鸟化石。This is the fossil of Sinosauropteryx prima.

听着,我来行使我的初夜权。I've come to claim the right of prima noctes.

跟自视甚高的人在一起,没有人会感觉舒服。No one feels comfortable around a prima do a.

跟自视甚高的人在一起,没有人会感觉舒服。No one feels comfortable around a prima donna.

考区·布朗想像玛丽将来成为首席芭蕾舞星。Coach Brown envisions Mary as a prima ballerina.

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我们看到一座名为“第一门的奥古斯都”的雕像。We see a statue called "Augustus of Prima Porta".

我们看到一尊名为“第一门的奥古斯都”的雕像。We see a statue called " Augustus of Prima Porta".

我在布赖顿的时候,曾去听过音乐会中首席女歌手的歌唱。When I was in Brighton I once went to hear some Prima Donna.

我的女儿是一名舞蹈演员,我的前妻是首席芭蕾舞演员。My daughter is a dancer and my ex-wife was a prima ballerina.

做个父亲其实和做第一夫人一样惨。Teeter-totter caught up between bein" a father &a prima donna."

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事业刚起步的时候,她在皇家卡尔·罗莎歌剧团担任首席女歌手。Her career began as prima donna with the Royal Carl Rosa Opera Company.

表面上看这是一宗藐视法庭的案件。There was a prima facie case that a contempt of court had been committed.

显然,他们在西西里有两个唱主角的,蒙哥马利和巴顿。Obviously they now have two prima donnas in Sicily, Montgomery and Patton!