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我怎么一直都没见。到你?。H. ow come I never see y. ou?.

哎哟!我好像把脚给扭了。Ow ! I think I sprained my ankle.

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你出于本能地大叫一声,“嗷“You're just born with that, "Ow."

检查侧窗密封件是否损坏。Check side wind ow seal for damage.

今天活着。的小孩明天就会死去。A ch. ild alive today will die tomorr. ow.

为收割牧草,他们花费了多少辛勤和汗水!H OW THEY TOILED AND SWEATED to get the hay in!

说真的。哎哟!你真得在里面垫点软和的东西或是弓形支架什么的。Seriously. Ow ! You need some comfort inserts or arch supports or something.

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这些东西通常会事先打包放在容易放置的橡胶手套或避孕套中。They are usually prepackaged in latex gloves or condoms for easier insertion. Ow.

我们在所受的教育、家庭背景、兴趣、爱好等方面有很多共同之处。We have much in common regarding ow education, background, interests and hobbies.

未使用部分航段的机票退票时将扣除单程净价。Refund for partial unused tickets will be entertained after deducting OW net fare.

一个军衔位于准将之上和中将之下的将官。A general officer ranking above a brigadier general and bel ow a lieutenant general.

介绍了粉葛鲮鱼方便面粉料包、酱料包的配方制作工艺。The technics of producing powder and sauce for pueraria lobata ow hi dace noodle is introduced.

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用点焊切割工具分离后窗的侧窗接缝的点焊接合处。Separate the spot-welded joint on the side wind ow aperture of the rear window using the spotweld cutter.

由实验的结果来看,极限碳酸盐硬度法简便、捷、现性好,可信度高。The results of the experiment sh ow that the limited carbonate hardness method is simple, quick and effective.

塔妮亚以前只见过几场小雪,因为荷兰冬季降雪的季节恰好是北极熊冬眠的时候。Tania had seen ow before but only very little as it mostly falls in the Dutch winter, when polar bears hibernate.

他能听见厨房里传来小声的“妈的”和“哎哟”声,接着就是零钱哗啦啦掉进铜壶的声音。He could hear whispers of " ow " and "shit" coming from the room, followed by the sound of change sprinkling into brass.

然而港湾里静悄悄的,他直驶到岩石下一小片卵石滩前。没人来帮他的忙,他只好尽自己的力量把船划得紧靠岸边。It was quiet in the harbour though and he sailed up onto the little patch of shingle bel ow the boat up as far as he could.

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计算结果表明,管坯表面热流密度沿周向分布的不均匀性造成了管坯温度沿周向分布不均。The results show that the distributions of the surface heat fl ow density and temperature around tube billets are relative.

通过电视和世界联网的计算机,人们得以了解很多他们没有去过的地方。Because of television and worldwide computer connections, people can n ow become familiar with a great many places that they have never visited.

支付这笔巨额股息之前的一周,格林先生旗下另一家零售集团BHS公布了全年业绩,当时他决定不给自己分红。The huge payout comes a week after Mr Green declined to pay himself a dividend following full-year results from BHS, the retail group he also ow.