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保持清白,为厚爱的良人。For Colltine's der love be kept unspotted.

我们必须保守自己不沾染世俗!We must keep ourselves unspotted from this world!

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旁人会感到他没被世俗污染。One felt that he had kept himself unspotted from the world.

他能清白、不受怀疑地走入大楼。He was able to get into the building unspotted and unsuspected.

而是用宝血,即无玷无瑕的羔羊基督的宝血。But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb unspotted and undefiled.

叶白色短柔毛在两面。花被白色或者苍白的玫瑰,没有斑点。Leaves white pubescent on both surfaces. Tepals white or pale rose, unspotted.

那是一个新的人,没有罪的污秽,献在十字架上受死。It was a new humanity unspotted with sin that He offered to the death of the cross.

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那些翅翼完全没有斑点的果蝇,整个翅翼Yellow蛋白质浓度都很低,只会制造微量的黑色素。In unspotted species, Yellow is made only at low levels throughout the wing, generating just a light dusting of black pigment.

荷花居污泥而不染,若为怕水污而种在旱地上,它早就枯死了。Water lily remains unspotted from sludge. If we avoid the sludge and plant it in the dry land, it would have been dead long time ago.

她不很聪明,但她是我所认识的完美无瑕的好人。或许只有智商相当低下才能做到出污泥而不染。She is not very bright, but the only completely good person I know. Maybe you have to have a fairly low I. Q. to remain unspotted from the world.

何况基督的血呢?他藉著永生的神,已把自己毫无瑕疵的奉献于天主,他的血岂不更能洁净我们的良心,除去死亡的行为,好去事奉生活的天主?How much more shall the blood of Christ, who by the Holy Ghost offered himself unspotted unto God, cleanse our conscience from dead works, to serve the living God?

在神我们的父面前,那清洁没有玷污的虔诚,就是看雇在患难中的孤儿寡妇,并且保守自己不沾染世俗。Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.