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由于他是黑白混血人的身份,其一生都受种族主义的困扰。As he is a mulatto person's identity, their lives are plagued by racism.

她就是刚才站在这儿用围裙擦眼泪的混血女人。She's the mulatto woman who was standing in here a while ago, with her apron to her eyes.

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按照人口普查的记录,Dolphus是一个“混血儿”,也就是说他的父母一个是黑人一个是白人。Dolphus was recorded in the census as "mulatto" – denoting one white and one black parent.

黑白混血儿问题是美国黑、白种族关系史上一个很有意思的话题。The mulatto problem is an interesting aspect in the study of American interracial relationship.

1870年,梅尔温妮娅四个个孩子中的三个,包括鲍尔菲斯在内,被以黑白混血儿列入人口统计。In 1870, three of Melvinia’s four children, including Dolphus, were listed on the census as mulatto.

尽管全国人口现在主要是年轻的黑种人或黑白混血儿,他们的领导人却形成了一个以白人为主的老人政权。Although the population is now mainly black or mulatto and young, its rulers form a mainly white gerontocracy.

尽管全国人口现在主要是年轻的黑种人或黑白混血儿,他们的领导人却形成了一个以白人为主的老人政权。Although the population is now mainly black or mulatto and young, its rulers form a mainly white gerontocracy.

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混血女佣把洛弗尔太太叫到门厅,后者旋即皱着眉头回来了。The mulatto maid called Mrs. Lovell Mingott into the hall, and the latter came back in a moment with a frowning brow.

门边站着一个混血女人,显然是家中的女佣,她神态怯懦,脸色憔悴,流露出哀伤的心情和柔和的性格。Near the door stood a mulatto woman, evidently a servant in the house, with a timid bearing and an emaciated face pitifully sad and gentle.

他很喜欢去奥德萨街一个黑鬼们聚会的场所,那儿有一个好看的黑白混血儿,她偶尔跟我们一起回家来。He was fond of going to a nigger joint on the Rued'Odessa where there was a good looking mulatto who used to come home with us occasionally.

猕猴的颞颌关节除了与人的极为相近外,中老年猕猴可患有与人类类似的关节病,有可能被推崇为颞颌关节研究的天然病理模型。Conclusion, the Maraca mulatto can suffer from the same arthropathy as human being, and it is possible to choose the aged as a natural pathologic model.