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把钱扔到水里了。他说,踢了隔板一脚,我也踢了。Throwing good money after bad, he said, and kicked the clapboard.

泰留在他和妻子曾住过的白色隔板平房。Ty stayed in the white clapboard bungalow he'd lived in with his wife.

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按你的要求,我们在每个抽屉里增加了隔板,但并没有增加任何费用。Depend on your requirement, we add clapboard in each drawer, without adding any charges.

但是,老式的建筑物和风化的隔板,中文的店面依然装饰点着这个热带的城市。But vintage clapboard buildings and weathered Chinese storefronts still adorn this tropical town.

他们住在这所房子是由海伦的祖父母建于1820年的一个简单的,白色,隔板的房子。The house they lived in was a simple, white, clapboard house built in 1820 by Helen's grandparents.

防火和各种装饰材料,如吊顶、隔板和隔音材料等。Fire resistance material and other decoration materials, such as suspended celling, clapboard and deadening, etc.

采取加在头部之间插入隔板的措施来降低燃烧室贫油熄火比,效果并不显著。However, the method was not so good in respect of reducing fuel air ratio at lean blowout by inserting clapboard into two domes.

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即使是圣约翰市的老房子也都能上明信片,房屋木质的墙面都涂成明亮的原始色调。Even the older housing in St John’s is the stuff of postcards, with rows of wooden clapboard houses painted in bright, primary hues.

现在,圆石铺砌的小路旁都是破败的楼房,看上去就像圣灵都从里面跑了出来一样。Today, the cobblestoned streets are lined with defeated clapboard houses that look as if the spirit’s been sucked right out of them.

这些板房让我想到了十九世纪遍布美国南部的棉花种植主给奴隶住的房子。instead these clapboard houses made me think of the slave quarters of 19th century cotton plantations across America's southern states.

石山已经被草原,松树和棕榈树所替代,防风林出现了,然后是麦地,最后有了树篱后的木板房屋。Moraine gave way to flat grasslands, pine to palm. Windbreaks appeared, then wheat, and finally clapboard houses behind manicured hedges.

于是仍居住在木屋的人们便在木屋外层钉上隔板,在内墙上涂上厚厚的水泥,以显得时髦。As a result, people who still live in log houses usually have nailed clapboard on the outsides and plastered the insides to modernize them.

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我早年的回忆就像简单的静照——就像白色车库背后护墙上的模糊剪影,半掩映在冬青树下。My earliest memories are simple still pictures—a glimpse of the back of a white clapboard garage, for example, half obscured by a holly bush.

我还记得我们在那儿长大的破烂不堪的小隔板屋但在那儿有一小块让人羡慕的带有菜园的地,四周由丁香花丛围着。I remember the shabby little clapboard house we all grew up in. But it had an enviable nice little plot with a kitchen garden bordered by lilac bushes.

为雷管安全可靠地引爆射孔器,特别设计了隔板传爆结构。For the detonator detonating the perforator safely and reliably, special machinery composed of explosion-proof clapboard and detonating train is designed.

简洁大方、色彩柔美的枫木色台面板与优雅曲线造型的隔板组合出自由的私密空间。Concise and easy, color soft maple wood panel and graceful curve modelling platform of ivory yakeli clapboard combination gives free of illicit close space.

护墙板却被漆成了纯白色,为的是在设计独特的墙纸和地砖之间造成视觉上的间隔。Clapboard was painted however pure white, for the sake of the interval on the vision is being caused between the wall paper with unique design and floor tile.

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通过教堂的体量、尺度和细节可窥见新建筑一斑,其立面元素与附近的砖和隔板的语境相协调。The new architecture is informed by the church's massing, scale and detail, and its facade elements harmonize with the neighborhood's brick and clapboard context.

在购买家具以前,可以检查一下衣柜的门框、横板、隔板和抽屉,看看边缘是否经过处理,有没有封边。Buying furniture previously, can check the doorcase of chest, horizontal stroke board, clapboard and drawer, see the brim whether pass processing, have sealing side.

电焊石笼网是用螺旋形绑丝把焊接成型后的前后面板、底板和隔板组装好后压缩,和网盖一起打包。Welding the stone cage nets is tied with spiral wire welding forming the before and after the panel, bottom and clapboard assembled compression, and net cover after packed together.