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我会努力的。I`ll try.

所以尝试一下。So try it.

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我有用功在读书。I try read.

试出它!Try it out!

尝试和犯错。Try and err.

千万别试。Don't try it.

我有用功在读书。I try 2 read.

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你就试试看。Just you try.

试试有氧活动。Try aerobics.

再多试一次。Try one more.

试出他们!Try them out!

也许你应该努力。Maybe Ull try.

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还是让我来试试吧。Now lemme try.

来,再试一次。Now try again.

只尝试一次。Try only once.

试一试吃一下。Try to eat it.

尝试新事物,正所谓人挪活树挪死。Try new things.

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我可以东山再起。I can try again.

我一定要试一试。I must try them.

试着振作起来。Try to cheer up.