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难道是我人马座的祖先吗?Wasn't it my forefather of Sagittarius?

你的真主只有一位,你的祖先只有一位。Your God is one and your forefather is one.

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我的祖先在两百年前来到美国。My forefather came to the USA 200 years ago.

报复杀害的祖先主要由击败杜克。Avenge the slain forefather by vanquishing Major Duke.

他的祖先是两百年前被绑架到美洲的。His forefather was abducted to America two centuries ago.

其前身是义乌市彼洋水晶工艺品厂。The forefather is Yiwu city biyang crystal artwork factory.

事实上南朝陈政权的祖先在很大程度上就是胡公满,因而他的祭祀合情合理。In fact, the forefather of Chen rooted from Hugongman, so it was imaginable.

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莱布尼茨是一个发明家的演算以及祖先的现代数理逻辑。Leibniz was an inventor of the calculus and a forefather of modern mathematical logic.

尽管有这些问题,我们也决不会再去过我们的祖先所过的生活。In spite of all these problems we will not go back to lead the life our forefather led.

在后来的中国神话中,黄帝被尊为华夏之祖。Huangdi was later regarded in Chinese mythology as the forefather of the Chinese nation.

哇,内家功夫真是神了,我喜欢。谁是它的开山鼻祖?Boy, it's marvelous. I prefer Neijia to Waijia. Well, who's the forefather of Neijia then?

孟子是中国历代农民起义战争的理论始祖。Mencius' is the theoretical forefather of the various peasant uprisings in Chinese history.

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道宣是南山律宗开山之祖,著有多部佛学著作。Daoxuan was the forefather of the Vinaya school of the southern mountain who wrote many Buddhism works.

照着他们始祖以色列之子但的名字,给那城起名叫但。原先那城名叫拉亿。They named it Dan after their forefather Dan, who was born to Israel--though the city used to be called Laish.

培根是英国经验主义的代表人物和现代实验科学的奠基人。但是对他语言观的研究却一直被人们忽视。As one of the representations of english empiricism and the forefather of modern experimental science, francis bacon's view of language always is neglected.

曾经作为革命先烈们的传统服饰的中山装,如今有望成为一项新的文化遗产。The traditional Zhongshan suit, a tunic often worn by China's revolutionary forefather Sun Yat-sen, may soon be officially recognized as a cultural heritage icon.

而在这一典范的确立过程中,黄山谷学杜和江西诗派以杜甫为祖无疑起了巨大作用。In the process, the facts that Huangshangu Society had been learning from Du Fu and Jiangxi Poetry School had regarded Du Fu as its forefather played a significant role.

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在关于土家族历史文化的研究中,人们通常将古神话中的廪君和民间祭祀的向王合二而一,作为土家族始祖。In the study of Tujia historical culture, people often merge the mythological Lin Jun and the folk sacrifice King Xiang into one, and regard Him as the forefather of Tujia people.

成吉思汗是中国人,同时又是中国境内的蒙古族和中国境外的蒙古族的共同祖先,是历史上蒙古民族的缔造者。Genghis Khan was a Chinese. He was the forefather and the founder of the Mongols living home and abroad. The Mongolian Han was in the history a regional government in the border area of China.

当年,林肯的出发点是故意伤害一部分人的感情,现在的美国总统们不会这样做,他们非常小心谨慎,不希望自己的圣诞祝词会冒犯任何人。But unlike their forefather Abraham Lincoln, who set out to deliberately hurt some feelings, modern US presidents have taken extreme care not to offend any sensibilities with their Christmas message.