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病理学诊断副神经节瘤。Pathologic diagnosis was primary paraganglioma.

改善胸腺组织病理变化。It also ameliorated the pathologic changes in the thymus.

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并对瘤组织及脾组织进行病理学检查。The tumors and spleens were examined for pathologic change.

未见淋巴瘤证据这样的病理报告是不够的。No evidence of lymphoma is not enough for a pathologic report.

这些感染通常引起局部的病理变化。These infections usually produce localized pathologic changes.

病理诊断为弥漫小核裂细胞型。The pathologic diagnosis was diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma.

弓状核超微结构出现明显病理学改变。The ultrastructure of arcuate nucleus had obvious pathologic changes.

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结论病理性黄疸患儿可能存在胆汁淤积。Conclusion Cholestasis probably exists in neonates with pathologic jaundice.

诊断为原发性皮肤间变性大细胞淋巴瘤。The pathologic diagnosis was primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma.

主要脏器病理检验未见异常。There was no abnormal condition for the pathologic examination of main organs.

结果显示,感染雏鸡胸腺、腔上囊及脾均表现不同程度的病理学损伤。There were pathologic lesions in the thymus, bursa and spleen of the chickens.

在病理性增生中,如刺激消除,增生也消失。In pathologic hyperplasia, if the stimulus abates , the hyperplasia disappears.

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安胃汤能修复和保护胃黏膜。Pathologic observation showed that AD could protect and recover gastric mucosa.

糖尿病早期并发症的病理机制是异质性的。The pathologic mechanisms of early complications of diabetes are heterogeneous.

病理结果为核中等分化的导管癌。The pathologic result was intermediate-nuclear-grade invasive ductal carcinoma.

肾精亏虚是老年人主要的生理病理特点。Kidney asthenia is the main physiologic and pathologic characteristics of the elder.

熟悉甲状腺腺瘤和腺癌的类型和病变特点。To know well types and pathologic features of thyroid adenoma and thyroid carcinoma.

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这是一个长期的非特异性各种病理状态的胃肠道。It is a nonspecific term for various pathologic states of the gastrointestinal tract.

目的探讨着色真菌病组织病理中色素沉着的意义。Objective To explore the pathologic mechanism of pigment depositing on chromomycosis.

目的观察肝血管平滑肌脂肪瘤的临床病理特点。Objective To study the clinical pathologic characteristics of hepatic angiomyolipoma.