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情景喜剧中的单身女人从来不会独身很久的。The sitcom single woman is never alone for long.

小品演员赵本山位居第六。Skit and sitcom actor Zhao Benshan is in the sixth place.

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情景喜剧结束了,她把空杯子放进了水池。The sitcom finished. She took the empty cups to the sink.

这是一部音乐情景喜剧,似乎大家都有自己的歌曲。This is a sitcom about musics. Everyone has their own song.

他正在看一部情景喜剧,并不时地失声笑出来。He was watching a sitcom laughing quietly from time to time.

格利开始,电视喜剧“蜜月”的经典,享年71岁。Gleason, start the early TV classic sitcom "The Honeymooners", was 71.

他正在看一部情景喜剧,并不时地失声笑出来。He was watching a sitcom laughing quietly from time to time. She asked

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该情景喜剧完成了第九季,也是最后一季,演员们加入了游行队伍。Cast members joined a parade as the sitcom wraps up its ninth and final season.

1978年,她加入了演员的短命熙山楂连续剧剥离,喜山楂蜂蜜。In 1978, she joined the cast of the short-lived Hee Haw sitcom spinoff, Hee Haw Honeys.

这就像一个反面情景喜剧一样,每一个都藏有一只山羊。It's like the opposite of the episode in every sitcom where someone has to hide a goat.

大利亚政治领导层笑料连连,所以有人为此拍了一部情景剧。Australia's political leadership has been so rife with comedy, it's being turned into a sitcom.

那些年,她在70年代标志性的情景喜剧“布雷迪家庭”中扮演莫瑞卡·布雷迪。Those were the years she played Marcia Brady on the iconic 1970s family sitcom "The Brady Bunch."

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拉米雷斯,曾经作为伟大的右手打者的所有时间一看,就是一个活生生的情景喜剧模仿。Ramirez, once viewed as one of the great right-handed hitters of all time, was a living sitcom parody.

难怪电视主管们又回到了老套路的电视剧和名人——因为他们是这场昂贵游戏中最安全的赌注。No wonder TV executives fall back on sitcom formulas and celebrities—they're safe bets in an expensive game.

他的职业从超越一个说唱乐手到情景喜剧演员,然后又回到说唱乐手。His career image has seen him transcend from streetwise rapper, to sitcom actor, and back to streetwise rapper.

我早该被提升了。我做了太多的横向移动,我在自己旁边---加里。爱普,电视情景喜剧作家。I'm way overdue for a promotion. I've made so many lateral moves, I'm beside myself---Gary Apple, TV sitcom writer.

中产阶级的目光短浅、自鸣得意和因循守旧是情景喜剧写手和小说家们创作灵感的重要来源。Its narrow-mindedness, complacency and conformism are the mother lode of material for sitcom writers and novelists.

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他们目光短浅、自命不凡、因循守旧的形象,总是为喜剧作家和小说家们提供着无穷无尽的笑料。Its narrow-mindedness , complacency and conformism are the mother lode of material for sitcom writers and novelists.

“尚氏喜剧”标志着中国情景喜剧进入了一个新的发展阶段,并开始与市场接轨。Shang's sitcom indicates that China has entered a new stage of development, and started with the convergence of the market.

在中国情景喜剧的发展中,英达的情景喜剧占据着重要地位,长期以来呈现为“一枝独秀”的局面。In its development history, Ying Da's product played an important role and outshined other sitcom products in a long period.