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恰当的发达和适当的角度。Well developed and well angulated.

从飞节到足爪的骨骼短,飞节角度恰当。The bones from the hocks to the pads are short with a well angulated hock joint.

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后膝关节角度恰当,飞节低,从后面看,两腿平行。Well angulated stifles with low hocks which are parallel when viewed from behind.

良好的肩膀轻轻松松,突出和后躯的角度恰当。The shoulders are well laid back and the fore and hindquarters are well angulated.

肩与前腿成角度,肩需与肘关节在一条直线上。The shoulders are long and well angulated to the upper arm, neither in nor out at the elbow.

耐力比单纯的速度更重要,因此,后膝关节的角度必须适中。Endurance is more important than pure speed, and as such, the stifles are only moderately angulated.

后躯骨量中等。大腿角度恰当,肌肉发达,距离略宽。The hindquarters are of medium bone, well angulated with muscular thighs and spaced moderately wide.

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目的探讨下肢长骨干骨折成角愈合发生原因和对策。Objective To discuss the causes and treatment of angulated healing of long bone shaft fracture at lower limbs.

这次我们要练习过弯时踏板保持水平,上半身和过弯的外侧成一个角度。This time we are going through the turn with our pedals parallel and our upper body angulated to the outside of the turn.

大腿非常发达,膝关节角度适中,飞节与适度向后倾斜的肩胛骨相互平衡。Hind legs have well developed thighs with moderately angulated stifles and hocks in balance with the moderately laid back shoulders.

目的研究桡骨远端骨折背侧成角畸形对桡腕关节稳定性的影响。Objective To investigate the impact of dorsally angulated malunited distal radius fractures on the stability of the radiocarpal joint.

肩部应该倾斜形成很好的角度。前腿应该笔直肌肉发达,肘部既不外翻也不内折,适度的骨骼。Shoulders sloping and well angulated. Forelegs straight and muscular, neither in nor out at elbows, with moderate amount of round bone.

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第一,缺少一种简便的方法来设计RPS的板单元,使得每一根角梁的剪式铰完全被RPS板单元覆盖。First, there is a lack of a convenient way to keep all the pivots of an angulated beam within the boundary of its corresponding RPS plate.

肩部结实、倾斜、肌肉发达,与前臂呈恰当的角度,马肩隆末端不能太接近。The shoulders are strong, sloping, muscular and well angulated to the upper arm and should not be too closely set at the point of the withers.

眼皮边缘与眉毛之间的距离狭窄,下颚方方正正、有棱有角,脸颊突出,比起长相普通的白人女性有着更为丰满的双唇。This face has a narrow palpebral height angulated and square-shaped mandible protruding cheek and fuller lips compared with the average Caucasian face.

从解剖方面来讲,支架断裂在钙化病变,成角较大的病变以及心脏运动导致高压的患者当中更易发生。Anatomically, stent fracture is more common in vessels that have calcium nodules, are highly angulated , and are subject to high stress from cardiac motion.

医生在置放血管支架时对于角度过大的冠状动脉必须小心,如此的解剖构造易造成支架卡在冠状动脉上而降低支架置放的成功率。Physicians should keep in mind that extremely angulated segments may reduce the successful rate of coronary stenting and contribute to the stent entrapment complication.

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初期治疗后伤口由植皮覆盖,桡骨与尺骨之骨折均未愈合,导致前臂不稳定而且弯曲畸形。After primary treatment, the wound was covered with a skin graft, and a non-union of the radius and ulna developed which resulted in an unstable and angulated forearm. The wrist joint was stiff.